Cause Before Commerce

At the intersection of consumerism and sustainability, there is great opportunity for positive change.

It's time to build a circular future that benefits all people, while protecting and preserving our precious, unpaid stakeholder, Earth.

Circle B is an educational resource and future marketplace that supports our journey towards a greener tomorrow.

Circle B logo

Create Partnerships

Our long-term goal is to get more companies to turn away from the use of plastics for packaging, and wasteful supply chains.


By using materials that are less extractive, have better recyclability, or that can be reused multiple times, we reduce our collective carbon footprint.

36 %

of people willingly pay more for sustainable products

65 %

of shoppers WANT an impact-oriented marketplace

6 K+

Companies have been B Corp Certified as of August 2023

8 K

Companies so far have committed to "Net Zero" by 2050

Practical Resources

Short-term, we are building an education platform that enables you to choose brands that meet your desire to reduce mindless consumption and waste.


Long-term, we are building a shoppable site with a straightforward user experience that connects you to responsible products from brands you already know, while helping you discover independent, local, and regional products and services you'll love.


Because when you "buy local", you are embracing principles of circularity, reducing your carbon footprint, and supporting jobs in your community.

Featured In Top Climate Podcast

Care More Be Better is a podcast focused on social impact, and regeneration. It is rated in the top 1.5% of all podcasts globally. Hosted by our founder, Corinna Bellizzi, the platform will advertise the Circle B platform organically, while also providing a platform for our partnered brands.

About the podcast: Care More Be Better amplifies voices and solutions to regenerate our planet and social systems. Move from interest to action and turn your curiosity about regenerative living into actions that are part of the solution.

Your Questions Answered



Online resources will begin to appear this spring and summer.

The selling platform will be ready to launch by the Fall season of 2024.


We will sell everyday staples for healthy living. This includes personal care and nutrition solutions, and other consumables including eco-friendly housewares and responsibly-made clothing.


Products sold through Circle B will earn a mutually agreed commission, consistent with the category of product sold.

There will be no listing costs assessed to the brand.


We are always happy to help companies convert their products to more eco-friendly options by choosing more mindful ingredients, materials, and packaging. Just reach out!


Our intention is to grow organically, without the support of investment capital.

Long-term our vision is to become a Social Benefit Corporation or an Employee-Owned Venture (and traditional investors usually don't like to invest in companies with that aim).

Visitor chart

Articles & Resources

Browse features on not-for-profits we encourage you to support, eco-conscious trends we love, and "how to" guides for choosing more responsible consumables!