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Carolyn Kiel’s Beyond 6 Seconds with Corinna Bellizzi

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Get to know more about our host, Corinna Bellizzi as she is interviewed by Carolyn Kiel on her podcast, Beyond 6 Seconds, a podcast which goes beyond the first impression of the first 6 seconds to hear extraordinary stories from everyday people. Each episode features inspiring stories of life and creativity, triumph and struggle.

About Carolyn Kiel and Beyond 6 Seconds

Host Carolyn Kiel interviews people who are starting their own businesses, giving back to their communities, and working with exciting new technologies to advance our world. She talks about specific ways that listeners can help support them and their work, so that their stories can continue to evolve.

Time Stamps:

00:00 Introduction

02:23 The Inspiration To Start Care More. Be Better

12:30 The Struggles of Charities During The Covid-19 Pandemic

14:41 What Are The Biggest Unexpected Challenges and Benefits of Podcasting?

26:15 Building A Community + The Future of Care More Be Better

Podcasts Mentioned on the Show:

The B-Sides

Problem Solvers by Jason Feifer

Behind the Bastards by Robert Evans

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I think about the show. I look at it as an invitation. I really want to be building a community that just invites people to care a little more so we can all be a little better.

Carolyn Kiel

Welcome to beyond six seconds. The podcast that goes beyond the six second, first impression to share the extraordinary stories and achievements of everyday people.

I'm your host, Carolyn keel. Today. I am very happy to be here with my guest Corina. Corina is a natural products, industry executive and social benefit entrepreneur. Who's earned a reputation for growing brands quickly in her professional life. As the head of marketing and sales for her clients. She champions social benefit programs to enhance brand development and company impact in January, 2021, she launched her show care more, be better, a social impact and sustainability podcast to amplify the efforts of inspired individuals and conscious.

Through care more, be better. She shares their stories and effort to show us all that one person with one idea can have a big impact. No subject is off limits as she covers topics from refugee relief to payday lending and everything in between Corina. Welcome to podcast.

Thank you so much for having me.

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah. So excited to have you here. I'm a big fan of your podcast as well. And so glad that we met up as podcasters and so excited to learn more about your show.

Carolyn Kiel

Thank you. Well, the feeling's mutual. I love listening to the insights you have about all these really incredible individuals. Thank you. So tell me, how do you get the inspiration to start care more? Be better.

Corinna Bellizzi

I've spent the last two years in graduate school, earning my MBA. And it's a little bit silly because I've gone back to school after 20 something years of being a professional. You know, I've really been questioning a lot, what it was I wanted to do next. Is there something I want to do differently?

And the one thing I kept coming back to is that I wanted to really put more good out into the world and I get to do a lot of that through my work, which is great, but I always felt like I wasn't able to do enough. And my. So varied from something like, I want to save the sea turtle and I want to further this social justice initiative, or I want to go ahead and ensure global warming becomes less of a problem.

All of these things kind of multiply and then make me feel like, heck what can I do to do all of these things at once? And it just kind of came back to this one. Idea. If I started a podcast and if I started to interview people that were working in these different areas, I could get their message out there to more people inspire others to get involved and also inspire people to understand that they're not alone.

Staring up Mount Everest. They can take some small change in their daily lives and have an impact as well. So, I mean, that's really been, it it's like an amplification effort to amplify what great people are already doing to impact the world in a positive way, from a social perspective and also from a sustainable perspective.

Yeah. That's fantastic. It's so important to share those stories. There's there's a lot of them out there, but we don't always get to hear about them. Really cool to have a platform. And I think some unsung heroes are really out there that they need a little help to get that story out there as well. Right.

You know, I've been, had the good fortune of being connected to some really great not-for-profits over the course of my professional career. And so I get to kind of dig into each of those as well and say, Let me tell your story in a different way to a different audience, let's reach other people. Let's see what we can do as a collective to push forward more good.

So that's really the root of it. And to be Frank, you know, I get up in the morning with a spring in my step two. Do this, in addition to my daily workload, in addition to my daily Scholastic load, in addition to being a mom and a wife and all of those other roles, all those other hats that we get to wear.

Carolyn Kiel

Wow. So cool. So I'd love to learn a little bit more about your podcast. How do you pick the guests that you want to feature?

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah, you know, I tend to follow kind of my own little rabbit hole perspective. I might be doing a little bit of research as a, for instance, into what's happening in financial technology.

And there's one episode in particular where I happened to cover that because I spent about six months off and on researching. Payday loans and payday lending was really like my motivation. There was trying to understand how people who are struggling to get by during this pandemic are dealing with their need to make rent.

I mean, it's a very simple question, right? When we know that in 2018, 40% of people couldn't afford an emergent expense of $400. So suddenly if they're without a job and also not getting COVID relief for months or for weeks on end, Then how are they going to pay their bills to keep a roof over their head?

How are they going to continue putting one foot in front of the other and supporting their family? So in looking at that more deeply, I discovered this company Earnin that is basically in the financial tech space that helps to give people advances on their paychecks. Right. And it's, you know, a simple thing.

But without like these big onerous fees that you might see at that traditional brick and mortar lender, just digging into that wormhole and ended up discovering several different companies in the space. Some of which are not for profit and some of which are for-profit. I got to interview Josh Sanchez about his company float me.

I believe that was episode seven. If I recall correctly. And he shared why he. Developed his company, you know, he had a challenge making his bills when they came due because he got into a car accident. He was injured. I mean, these simple things that affect so many people that we sometimes get a little far from, because we're comfortable in our home with our four walls.

So I dug into that as one example and another, you know, I've been looking at the refugee crisis on a global scale. I got to interview Kyra Martinez and my first step episode. She's someone I've known for years. And she also has leveraged art as a way to reach people who are living in refugee camps in Greece to help them express themselves.

And then also sell that art to benefit them so that they can reenter society more healthfully, that they can become a productive member of society as opposed to sleeping on a park bench. So when we're talking about these two very real problems and the crisis. They're in, you know, I just think we need to talk about these things.

We need to think about these things. We need to understand that the person living on the street isn't necessarily there by choice. And I think often our perspective is that, well, oh, it must be drugs or it must be alcohol. And that's the excuse. I hear more often than not from people who don't want to talk about it.

So I think by telling these stories, And by understanding the complex nature of just making a living in the modern age, that we can get a little bit deeper, have a more meaningful conversation and hopefully create change. So it will be positive. Yeah.

Carolyn Kiel

It's again, so important to share those stories because there's so many issues and it can be complex to really understand them.

So I think bringing those stories forward really helps clarify, like what's really going on and what kind of struggles people have and, and the impacts that come from.

Corinna Bellizzi

I was thinking about this the other day though. I think part of the reason I even started the podcast is I didn't want to bore the heck out of my family every time something else came.

I need to talk to you about what they're doing and animal testing, you know, like it feels sometimes like in my personal life, I can be on a bit of a soap box. And so if I'm going to use the podcast in a way, take care of that, to scratch that itch and to get that message out to other people who are receptive, who wanted to hear about it, who wants to talk about the social challenges that we're facing or the sustainability concerns that we might all face?

I want to be a minimalist. And I say that I want to be a minimalist because I'm also a little bit of a hoarder. I have a hard time letting go of things that have meaning to me, you know, it could be a book that got signed by an author that I like or, or whatever. And as we've gone through this last year in particular, I mean, I go to get a cup of coffee and I stare at the cup that it has to be given to me in now, and I find it upsetting.

It's almost like an emotional assault for me personally, because I don't like the waste that I'm generating. So then, you know, I have this pulpit where I can talk about sustainability and how are we all coping with this? And you know, this is part of the COVID challenge. So what are you doing instead of, you know, let's say using.

Plastic bags at the grocery store. Are you bringing your own, well, guess what you can't anymore. So what else might you do? And, and, you know, just asking these questions and talking about it is something I'm personally finding,

Carolyn Kiel

and there's definitely a whole audience of people who are interested in having these discussions and hearing about what they can do.

To make things better in the world. And I understand you have calls to action in your episodes. How did you get the idea to add that piece and how do you come up with those calls to action?

Corinna Bellizzi

You know, this actually came as a suggestion from another podcaster I listened to, which is the, B-Sides the B-Sides is, you know, as a review.

Pop music it's completely unrelated to anything in the social impact or sustainability space. Right. But one of the gems that that particular podcast has shared with me was that, you know, she got a lot of feedback from their audience that they needed to have a call to action at the end, like the audience wanted something to do.

And when I thought about specifically, you know, in the social impact or sustainability space, I should be providing the audience with tools, things that they can do, action items that they can take on themselves, to feel like they're putting more good out into the world. So what I tend to do in that space is I'll feature someone of the guests products if they had a particular product or, or even just, um, if there is a petition that should be signed something along those lines.

I would put that there as well. I thought back to when I was nine years old and the first time I went door to door to get signatures is kind of the inspiration for that, you know, like trying to combat animal testing or something at that young age, when. I think my aspiration in life was to be a veterinarian.

Carolyn Kiel

that's powerful because especially if you've got the type of audience who's interested in these types of issues and hearing more about them and you know, it makes sense to have a call to action that makes people feel like it's a concrete thing that they can do to make a difference and at least take the first step.

Working with a cause that they care about. Yeah. And sometimes it's, you know, raising funds for somebody. So like if you're looking at a particular charity that might need some support right now, and I've just featured them in the call to action could be, Hey, if you can afford it, you know, buy him a cup of coffee, give him five bucks, participate in the recurring donation.

The reality is that charities have really struggled this last year in particular. I mean, some have fared. Okay. But many charities have relied on more of these kinds of fundraising events, where they would bring people together and do fundraisers and moving that all into the virtual space has worked for some and not for others as much.

So it's been very variable. From what I hear pretty consistently is that they're just not necessarily getting the air time with their audience who are screen-fatigued, and don't really want to participate in yet another event online. So understanding that and trying to take it one step forward, then it's, you know, how do you help them raise funds?

How do you help them reach that? And how do you help them engage with that audience in a new way? You know, maybe it's as simple as them even donating their time. If they don't have funds to donate, you know, they could offer to be administrative support for one of those charities. I actually talked about this in an episode that will air this week with lasagna love.

I mean, they are a charity that brings, you know, lasagna. To people who might need them. And all that it takes in that instance is someone raises their hand and says, I need help. And it doesn't have to be financial need. It doesn't have to be any particular need, but someone in the community then says, I can make a lasagna and they match those individuals together.

But you know, they're a volunteer organization. So all of the work that gets done for them, Is essentially done by volunteers. And so much of that is administrative. A lot of it is automated now because they have some incredible backend technology that, you know, scholars from MIT helped to create for them really, really great stuff.

But ultimately they have needs too. So if a particular individual is like, well, I don't have funds to give, but I want to give back in some way they could bake a lasagna for somebody or they could support one of these charities with some of their time.

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah, so many different ways to give back. You've been working and publishing episodes on podcasts since we said since January.

Carolyn Kiel

So we're recording this towards the end of March. So it's only, it's been a couple months and I know you've got several episodes already released. I'm curious about the process of what it was like to start. What would you say was like the biggest challenge or unexpected thing that you faced when you were either like getting ready to launch or as you were launching and kind of, how did you address it or, or.

Corinna Bellizzi

I think the biggest challenge is when I was still facing and that's that I can be a little hypercritical of myself, particularly when I'm looking at how I'm going to form the story arc of every interview. I, I try to spend time with the person and interview a little bit before, so we get comfortable craft some questions that I hope will lead to the conversation in a great way.

And that takes quite a bit of time. And I think half the time I'm just beating myself up. You know, I'm not doing this right. Or I could be doing this better if I had more time. And the reality is in the end, I've been pleased with almost every episode. Generally speaking, I might've said, um, too many times or use some other colloquialism.

On hindsight. I was like, well, I wish I hadn't said that, or I wish I'd said that differently. Or if I just done this, then I might feel more comfortable putting it up on YouTube. And ultimately I just made the decision to say, as long as it's not garbled and terrible, I'm putting it out there because the purpose of the show.

Keep coming back to that is to put more good into the world. And so if the podcast is achieving that in some way, then I'm just trying to remind myself to be less of my own enemy, less. Self-critical give myself a round of applause for even doing it. And I think that's important. It's, you know, it's not a small effort.

It takes a bit of time. A lot of networking. I actually love that about it because it's forced me to, you know, rip the bandaid off and just talk to people I want to talk to was the worst thing they could say that they don't want to come on the show. Okay. So that's all been really, really kind of uplifting.

There has been an unexpected benefit and I just edited a podcast that I'm hoping to released in a few weeks. If I can fix some of the audio track. Where we talk about this and that is the mental health benefit. I did not expect that communicating in this way with other people would bring me a sense of connection that I had lost in COVID.

I didn't realize how much I had lost. I didn't realize. The effect that, that had had on me from kind of a, a personal positivity perspective, even. And so just on the heels of recording episodes into the teens, I was like, wow. You know, I'm not only more inspired, I'm feeling better. I'm feeling more connected to people.

I'm getting a sense that I'm building a community that's meaningful. And so I feel like it's like, I've reclaimed my purpose in the midst of this period where, you know, some days everything can just feel a little worse than the day before, because you haven't been able to hug your loved one because I haven't been able to travel to Colorado to see my mom for two years now.

And you know, all of those things weigh on one after a while and they just start to kind of make you feel a little less, like you're living a little less. So I feel like this move, this shift that started in January has brought me to living more again. And I just have this hope with the show that I'm able to convey some of that and get people involved in thinking about how to connect differently in this age, when.

You know, we've been forced into a situation that has been really rough from just a connection perspective. We are a social species. I mean, this is my background, my undergrad speaking, I studied anthropology, right? Like human connection, how people, you know, are able to build societies and from tribalism to, you know, kind of this country oriented world where, you know, you see people.

England Ireland, us all speaking a common language, but divided by great space. And now people are kind of going online or they're going through podcasts to connect with one another again. And to, I just think that there's something beautiful about it.

Carolyn Kiel

Absolutely. Yeah. And I totally relate to the mental health benefits that having the podcast and particularly an interview style podcast has had during this time, because I've had people on my show that like people I wanted to connect with and wanted to talk with, but never really had like another excuse or another way to organically bump into them somewhere or connect.

Having the podcast is a great way to just learn more about people. And a lot of the people I've interviewed and met through podcasting have been really consistent friends throughout this difficult time. So. It definitely helps build some strong bonds. And, uh, yeah, I'm, I'm glad it's doing that for you as well.

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah. And unexpected friendships are forming because of it, you know, it's like, I'm speaking to people that are from Africa and England and Australia, and just, it's made me feel more like I'm being a good citizen of the world than I think I felt in a long time.

Carolyn Kiel

Yeah, absolutely. It really is a great way to connect and share things that we hold dear and having.

So in the couple months that you've been running the podcast, what kind of feedback have you gotten about it or any kind of stories around that you want to.

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah. You know, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and I almost sometimes wish people would tell me what they didn't like, because, you know, I feel like if you want to improve, you're not going to do that in a vacuum.

You need feedback in order to. Really grow. So one of the things I did with another person that I interviewed, who also has a podcast, I gave her a list of two, and I just said, could you please be critical and give me some feedback. So I was able to take that and run with it. I think that I'm producing better shows now, given that feedback. But the positives are really kind of amazing, you know, I can recognize when I'm looking at the apple podcast reviews, some of the handles, I'm like, oh, that's this friend. Oh, that's this friend. So, you know, that's nice. But then I see some that I can't figure out who they are and they don't sound like they know me.

And they're saying things like, I love the range of topics that are covered. This show really gets me thinking. And, you know, that's what I want to be doing. I want to be offering people a new perspective or a new idea, maybe something they haven't thought about from a social impact or sustainability perspective, or maybe it's something they have, but it's a new light or a new way.

My hope is that it will inspire them into action and that action could be, you know, something in their own life. Or it could be, Hey, they could create the next big idea in social entrepreneurship that affects us positively. They could create something, some business that gives back to their community and brings value to people around them.

If we are able to take anything away from a simple effort, like this podcast that I create on a weekly basis. And turn it into something good. Then I feel like I've done something meaningful and I'm getting that sort of feedback already, which makes me feel inspired to keep going. Even as I obsessive really look at how many downloads I've had for that particular show.

And I have to remind myself too, sometimes, you know, Hey, some shows may listen to less than others. Is it really fun to listen to stories of financial technology? Maybe not for some, is it overly female to be talking about a particular issue like reproductive health, maybe, you know, maybe there's not going to be as many guys who want to turn it into that one.

So I have to give myself a little leeway to, to grow the show and talk about these different topics.

Carolyn Kiel

Yeah, it's tough to get stuck on watching the downloads and the statistics. And I think we all kind of get into that and be like, oh, what's going on? Don't look. Yeah, I just, I stopped looking consistently on like every, when I, when I go into load up a new episode, then I'll kind of look at the numbers and say like, okay, I can kind of see where the trends were, that what days they were listening and when they were going.

But, um, yeah, but it's, it's important to focus on the content and to, to share content that you're passionate about. Because, I mean, I think that's the most important thing because that will help you. Even more of the audience who really cares about these topics and takes them.

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah, that's right. And you know, honestly, I'm getting to play in all these different areas that I have passions.

So it's been really fun. I mean, I think I would say that to anybody who was thinking about starting a podcast, like if they're interested in the medium, if they like the idea, maybe they should give it a try. It's not that much of an investment if you're doing most of the editing on your own. You want to get a microphone?

I mean, heck you can use zoom to do these recordings. So it's not a huge investment. It's mostly time. I think that's the reality for me, at least.

Carolyn Kiel

It's definitely something to try out. And there's like so many different types of technology and apps and recording things that people can now do too to try.

It can be a

Corinna Bellizzi

little overwhelming.

Carolyn Kiel

It is. Yeah. I mean, that's the other issue. I mean, when I think when I started mine about three years ago or so there was a lot, but there was a much less than there is now. So in some ways, I guess that made it a little easier. Yeah. You know, as you look forward, do you kind of have more long-term goals for your podcast?

Like in terms of certain topics you want to focus on or just other types of impact that you want to have?

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah. You know, I think about the show, I look at it as an invitation. I really want to be building a community that just invites people to care a little more so we can all be a little better. And so my goal for the podcast is to really work, to create that.

And I haven't truly defined what that is going to look like over the long haul. Like you think you saw me awkwardly in a room on clubhouse, trying to figure out that platform and how it connects with people. You know, I'm trying new things. I'm trying to discover how to further these conversations, connect with more people and try to build that sense of community.

I want to take suggestions from the audience. Topics they'd like to see covered more or things that they care about. I'm looking at education a lot. I feel like, um, especially as college tuitions have continued to increase, education is almost getting more out of reach or at least a standard four year education is getting more out of reach for a lot of Americans and people around the globe who don't have the same access to world-class education.

So those are topics I will likely dig more into. I think about long-term perhaps even creating an endowment or becoming a not-for-profit and that's something I would consider if this gets to a stage where it looks like at warrants. For now, I'm just trying to push other people's successes a little further and help amplify their efforts so that we can have more impact now as opposed to waiting for that day.

So that's, I think overall how I see it, I want to build that community and I want to get people involved.

Carolyn Kiel

Yeah, I think the community is something that I think it's interesting. And sometimes that does take a while to actually build out whether you're kind of choosing a platform on how to connect people.

And now those, of course, there's all these different types of tools. So I think it's great that you're trying out different ones and kind of seeing like where people show up and which ones tend to make the most organic sense to bring people together. But yeah, I think there'll be great if you can kind of bring together a community of people who want to help and support all of these great causes and learn more about them.

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah. I mean, I have even thought about, you know, do I, at one stage, have a cohost or, you know, somebody else who also is on the platform on a different show or something like that. I mean, that's, I'd be open. I'm just kind of trying to, especially as I finished graduate school, which is taking a good deal of my focus, I've got 11 weeks left and then I will be done.

Awesome. So in this time, If anything kind of treading water, just keep going with the same deal that I've got. I've got several episodes, can't get them released, take care of that. And then after that is over come June, I can consider taking another look at it and saying, you know, what would I change? What would I do differently?

Do I want to use a different technology or platform or. I don't know, create events. I mean, if we're all able to get in person again, you know, once we have this pandemic a little more under control, perhaps I will create an event where I bring people together that care about social causes and they have speakers on a stage.

I mean, that could be the next. I'm just trying to keep my brain wide open and see where it takes me from here.

Carolyn Kiel

Yeah. And I think that's good to just try out different things and, you know, cause it, you're still pretty early in the process, so there's still all these different opportunities and different directions you could take.

So yeah. That's exciting. So many different ways to make an impact.

Corinna Bellizzi

I was going to ask you, I mean, I know you've been in this podcast, um, sphere for a while, a few years now. I mean, what has made your favorite podcasts, your favorite podcasts.

Carolyn Kiel

For me, a lot of times, it's the connection and the chemistry that I have with the guest.

And a lot of times that's related to their story that they have that I just am really like, especially personally inspired by it, or I just think it's so unique and just, you know, not something that I've heard a lot and a lot of other events. And, um, yeah, I think that if anyone who can tell a really good and clear and candid story about themselves, that's the type of content that I really enjoy.

And if that means that their stories aren't as like super polished, like they're not like out on the podcast as touring circle, like giving the same rehearsed speech and such. I kind of like it when it's a little bit rough. They're kind of thinking through it and they're sharing a lot of, you know, raw and candid and really powerful details about their stories.

I just think it makes people more relatable. So those are my favorite types of guests.

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah. I think I would agree with you, you know, when people are just kind of speaking from the heart and that's what counts, it's the things it's, there's this, uh, mantra and marketing people may not remember what you tell them, but they remember how you make them feel.

And I think when people are speaking from the heart and when they're talking about something that really fires them up, it gets you feeling that feeling. And that's what you kind of take with you into your day. But what I was asking about is like, outside of even your own podcasts, like if you are listening to podcasts, what makes a podcast like a favorite for you?

Is it the personality or is it the story? I mean, I'm just so always so curious about that.

Carolyn Kiel

I think for me, it's really the story. And some of the podcasts I listened to that are more like interview style. I mean, some of them are, are very highly produced where there's like segments and there's like clips of interviews and it's around, you know, sort of a stream of a story.

Those I like, because they're relatively short episodes, but they introduce like someone who's solved a problem. So like, literally problem-solvers by Jason Feifer is one of my favorites because it's focused on, you know, one entrepreneur, a particular specific problem that they had and interest places, interviews, and maybe some stock clips and other things the host helps narrate and tell this story.

What the challenge was and how they overcame it. Yeah. So those are my favorite, but those take those take a lot of time to edit together.

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah, I mean they have whole teams working on this, you know? Yeah. I was thinking about this American life, when you said that, you know, pulling all these segments together, I mean, it's such an incredibly produced show.

Yeah. And you know, I think to it, the story is everything. Right? So it's just, when you have a really good story, you want to keep listening. You want to hear what comes next? There's one that I have discovered recently, and I don't want to say it because I don't know if your show allows cussing. I think you can say it on TV, but it's Behind The Bastards

that show in particular, it takes awful people from history and tells deep stories about them. So I just got finished listening to one and it was about I'm forgetting the man's name, but it was about this individual who tried to become a king and the Southeast Asian Islands. Somewhere around there.

Like, I want to say it was somewhere like near Borneo, right? So he's this white man who wants to become a king and they are now telling his story through Hollywood in a highly produced, polished perspective. And it's nothing of the story that being told from this Behind The Bastards perspective. Great show great stories, fun to listen to and completely off topic.

Carolyn Kiel

Well, that's cool. I haven't heard of that one. So I'll definitely check that one out. Yeah, no, I love those stories. Um, of undiscovered history or retellings of things, or re looking at something that you thought you understood because you learned about it one way and it's like, no, actually there's like this whole other narrative and all these things that maybe you didn't know or just weren't shared at the time.

So I think that's really good. I mean, I think there's a lot of room for us in the podcasting world to experiment and try different things. And it sounds like that's going along the lines of what you're going to be doing. You've got a lot of different ideas and things to try and, uh, there's, uh, plenty of time.

It's a, you know, podcasting it, you know, as you know, it takes a while, like I'm three years in, I still don't feel like a veteran of any kind at this point, but, um, I do feel certainly more comfortable with, with what I'm doing, but I'm still constantly learning. And constantly trying out different things as we get new technologies and new platforms and just kind of seeing what works.

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah, well, but you've stayed true to your mission, right? You're going beyond the first impression of the first six seconds. And I think that's what I intend to do with my show is just keep it focused on social impact and sustainability. And then I can listen to, you know, this American life for other stories I can listen to behind the bastards and the stories that they're telling of, you know, these disreputable people from long ago.

Yeah. So it's just such an interesting playing field. The whole arena of podcasting. I think it can make people feel closer to one another just by listening, which is really kind of great.

Carolyn Kiel

It is. Yeah. Especially during these challenging times, it's a really good way to stay. I think I tweeted the other day that I, you know, a lot of my friends now host podcasts.

And sometimes I listen not just to hear what the episode is and what they have to say, but because it's just comforting to hear the sound of their voices, like in my earbuds.

Corinna Bellizzi

So I have a story about that. And one of my friends worked for years at Plantronics and they make my earbud, it's like a wireless earbud.

And I have this one that's old that I don't want to get rid of because it has one of my friend's voices on it. Every time it says, talk time, six hours, you know, it's in her voice.

Carolyn Kiel

Wow. It's like a person.

Corinna Bellizzi

It was in her case. Yes, it was her voice and she was on the marketing team forever. And so she recorded it and I don't get to hear her voice much anymore because she moved to Ireland.

And so I'm like, well, I just, I can't lose this thing. So I have this really crazy attachment, this simple Plantronics earbud that I just never want to lose.

Carolyn Kiel

Wow. That's awesome. Wow. So Karina, thanks so much for being on my podcast. How can people get in touch with you or find your podcast so that they can listen to it?

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah, pretty simple. I'm @CareMoreBeBetter on all social platforms on Twitter and clubhouse. You just have to leave out the final IE because they have a character limit, so it's care more. Be better. I also have that's my website. And you can find connections to everywhere. We are there.

There's a button to connect with. You can send me an email right from the website, or just send me a note to and I'd love to hear from people. If there's any topics they want to hear covered, or if they know someone that they think should be interviewed, I'd love to connect. I just, um, this is a community I'm trying to build it.

This isn't something I'm monetizing. It's just my way of giving more good to the world.

Carolyn Kiel

All right. Fantastic. Yeah, I'll put those links in the show notes so that people can click on those easily and get in touch with.

Corinna Bellizzi

Oh, thank you so much.

Carolyn Kiel

As we close out. Is there anything else that you'd like our listeners to know or anything that they can help or support you?

Corinna Bellizzi

You know, I would just say, find something that you're really passionate about that you'd like to give back into the world because it doesn't take much. I mean, it could be as simple as, you know, doing a food drive in your neighborhood or donating a little bit of your time to a charity that you're passionate about.

You'll feel good doing it. And if nothing else that'll help you also build new friendships.

Carolyn Kiel

Very good words of wisdom there. Thank you so much, Karena. It was great talking to you today.

Corinna Bellizzi

Great talking to you too. Thank you so much.

Carolyn Kiel

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