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Harry Duran's Podcast Junkies, Featuring Corinna Bellizzi: A Growing Need For Change (Podcast Junkies ep. 272)

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This bonus episode is shared with permission from the host and creator of Podcast Junkies, Harry Duran. The show notes below are adapted from his site and show notes.


Harry welcomes to the show, entrepreneur, podcaster and proponent of social impact and sustainability, Corinna Bellizzi. Corinna is the host of Care More Be Better: A Social Impact + Sustainability Podcast, a show that shares the stories of inspired people that are committed to social good. In this episode, Harry and Corinna engage in a meaningful examination of social impact and the growing need for positive change. Corinna opens up about her podcast journey, how she formats her episodes and how she identifies which guests to interview. They go on to talk about Corinna’s passion for cars, something she’s changed her mind about recently and the ethos of her podcast.


Harry welcomes to the show, entrepreneur, podcaster and proponent of social impact and sustainability, Corinna Bellizzi. Corinna is the host of Care More Be Better: A Social Impact + Sustainability Podcast, a show that shares the stories of inspired people that are committed to social good.

In this episode, Harry and Corinna engage in a meaningful examination of social impact and the growing need for positive change. Corinna opens up about her podcast journey, how she formats her episodes and how she identifies which guests to interview. They go on to talk about Corinna’s passion for cars, something she’s changed her mind about recently and the ethos of her podcast.




And Podcast Junkies:


06:36 – Harry welcomes to the show Corinna Bellizzi, who speaks to the impact the global pandemic had on her and the work she’s doing with her podcast

14:00 – Motherhood, work, graduate school and power outages

16:54 – Lessons Corinna has learned from the Care More Be Better Podcast

19:53 – The inspiration to launch A Growing Need and Corinna’s passion for social impact and sustainability

30:30 – The ethos of Corinna’s podcast and how she identifies potential interviewees

39:27 – Corinna reflects on her early days of podcasting

46:40 – Corinna’s dream car

50:27 – Something Corinna has changed her mind about recently and the most misunderstood thing about her

56:05 – Harry thanks Corinna for joining the show and let’s listeners know where they can connect with her


Podcast Junkies Junkies Facebook Group

Link to Podfest Expo Virtual Summit

Corinna’s LinkedIn

Corinna’s Website

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Corinna’s Instagram

Corinna’s Email

Corinna's Mentioned Podcasts:

Link to Trash to Treasure

Link to The Year of The Nurse by Cassandra Alexander

Podcast Junkies Podcast Production & Marketing provided by Fullcast.

Show Contributors: Harry Duran, Corinna Bellizzi


Corinna Bellizzi

Hello, fellow do-gooders and friends. I'm your host, Corinna Bellizzi. Today. I'm going to share a bonus episode. This is an interview that I did with Harry Duran, who runs Podcast Junkies. He interviews all sorts of podcasters and really gets them to dig deep about why they started this venture and tell their story.

Harry and I engaged in a meaningful examination of social impact and the growing need for positive change. I opened up about my podcast journey and how I format my episodes and ultimately how I identify the guests that I feature on my. We go on to talk about my passion for cars, something that I've changed my mind about recently and the ethos of my podcasts.

So I hope you'll give this episode Alyson. And when you have a chance also check out podcast junkies, you can find it wherever you listen to podcasts and I'll include all the links that you might need in my show notes.

Harry Duran

Like yes, junkies episode 2 7 2. Welcome back. I'm your host, Harry Duran, new listeners. Welcome, welcome, welcome regular listeners. I appreciate you so much for coming back episode after episode and providing a valuable feedback to me on how the episodes are resonating with you. And that's not a feedback that I take lightly.

So I really thank you and appreciate it. This is the show where we talked to interesting folks in podcasting and get them to kick back their heels and talk about their shows and anything else. That's motivating them and inspiring them. Last week, we spoke with teachers million to disco hosts of unprofessional development.

They got to share their exciting story of how they started the show and the special interview. They landed with Tony Danza of all peoples and make sure you check that episode out really inspirational. This week I speak to Karina , she's the host of caramel, or be better, a social impact and sustainability podcast.

She shares inspiring stories of people that are committed to social good. And in this episode, we engage in a meaningful examination of social impact and the growing need for positive change, greener opens up about her podcast journey and how she formats her episodes and how she identifies which guests to interview.

She takes this aspect of our show very seriously, and it's a really interesting deep dive. Into how much value she provides for her audience and how she thinks about these from the perspective of a podcast host, we also learn about her passion for cars, which I was surprised to hear about and a fun mental detour as a bit of a backstory green.

And I engaged on LinkedIn. Couple of months before this podcast aired. And in the beginning of the episode, I want you to listen out for how I challenged her to a goal that she subsequently met. And it's the reason why we're having this conversation. So that's really inspiring and hope it will inspire you to take next step with your show.

We've got a couple of words from. Two sponsors for this episode focus, right. And Patrion to make sure you take a few moments to listen to those as we are appreciative of our sponsors. And it's a reminder how much we value them, supporting the show and you listening as well, which is just as important.

And then afterwards it'll be the entire episode interview uninterrupted. Make sure you stay to the end of the episode where I reveal this week's retention hashtag as well. This episode is brought to you by focus, right? And specifically the Scarlet to, to sound card. One of my favorite go-to sound cards, something I use for each and every podcast recording the 3g line is a go-to for all new podcasters.

Find out forward slash focus, right? And the link will be in the show notes as well. This episode is brought to you by Patrion creating a successful podcast. Shouldn't involve compromising your vision of a 25,000 independent podcasters have found a home on Patrion and that's because at patron people power your podcast, not advertisers or networks.

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Start your Patrion today at Patrion calm and that's P a T R E O So Corrina Galeazzi host of CareMore be better a podcast for social. Good. Thank you for joining me on podcast junkies

Corinna Bellizzi

thank you for having me.

Harry Duran

So for the benefit of the listener, where's home for you.

Corinna Bellizzi

I'm in Scotts valley, California.

It's in Santa Cruz county. Okay. Beautiful central coast here.

Harry Duran

How's the it been with the wildfire.

Corinna Bellizzi

Well, last year in September, we were evacuated for something like 10 days. And it was in the midst of the COVID pandemic. Of course, the only real place that we were able to go though was to my in-laws, who are in their eighties.

And so we were a little concerned about their health and whether or not we would be bringing with us any COVID pandemic. It was really great. Yeah.

Harry Duran

Well, what's been the biggest aha or awakening for you now we're a year and a half probably into things. And I think just personally for myself, I didn't realize how much I appreciated, like in-person gatherings of friends.

And so it feels like now making up for lost time because my girlfriend and I are actively looking at, uh, getting together with friends or putting, making sure there's always this stuff on the calendar. I'm wondering what that's been like.

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah. Well, I honestly think it's part of the reason that I started my podcast in the first place.

I had been in graduate school already limited in what I could do socially, because I just didn't have any time I had to work. I have two kids and at the same time I was in graduate school for my MBA. And so in the course of doing that, my social life got pretty. Dismal. And then the COVID pandemic hit.

And then it was like enforced from the outside and then everybody else was going through it with me. So I did long for human contact. I missed being able to go to the university events, to network with other people. I missed seeing my friends, even in just like a chance encounter. And so I really kind of started this podcast for two reasons.

The first one was that I felt like I wanted to put more good out into the world and kind of double down on all of my efforts in social impact and sustainability that I generally get to access through some of my work and also the donations or volunteerism that I do in my personal life. But I also was really missing that.

Deeper connection with people. And so it comes out in interesting ways in some of my actual episodes. One of them relatively early on was with a gentleman who started this football club. It's a not-for-profit soccer or football club in north Wales called the north Wales dragons. And he talked about the fact that your latrine was also the loo and he kind of goes on and on and uses all these British colloquialisms for your kitchen is your this, and on down the line, but it all red, so true because your entire life was within the walls of your home.

And so. Being able to expand on that through podcasting and through making deeper connections with people around the globe really helped me. And I didn't realize how close to depression I was when I started this thing, because it was like night and day. I suddenly just had more spring in my step. I felt better about life.

I felt more connected on a global way to people that I felt I really am. Thrawled in having them. Because it had been so long since I'd even met somebody new because of COVID, that's the reality.

Harry Duran

It's a really good point because it's something that, um, I don't think I was aware of as well. And my partner I've talked about it because we essentially we're stuck with each other in the same place, you know, for all that time.

And I think for me, I'm in a new city, I'm in Minneapolis, but I grew up in New York and I've lived in LA. So starting like the friendship cycle here has been interesting and figuring that out because for me, the connections were at podcasts conferences and I was going probably to at least two or three a year.

And that was my. The course of, you know, four or five years, they start to become like a little bit of like you're away family sometimes. Like it's like a high school reunion every year when you see them. And to have that taken away, obviously can't be, you don't realize how much I miss it, I guess, to your point until you don't have it for an extended period of time.

And to your point about mental health and depression and that. Nobody was prepared for how to handle this. So, you know, kudos to everyone who is, who's made it through. I lost my best friend from high school to COVID, um, about a month in. So it's been interesting to think about like losing close friends.

So I feel like it's just been something that we needed in the form of a reset, but it sounds like for you as well, it's brought some things to the front that, uh, thankfully you've been able to address.

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah, well, interestingly, I just interviewed one of my dear friends for this podcast on Monday. And she was an ICU nurse over the course of the last 15 months.

She wrote a book called the year of the nurse. I just finished editing before this call because I want to get it out right away, early dropped on Monday. So the book's now available written by Cassie Alexander or Cassandra Alexander as it's called on the cover of this book. And really kind of walks you through the pandemic from a nurses perspective.

So I just spent this last weekend. Kind of re-experiencing the COVID pandemic, but this time through the eyes of a nurse working in the ICU with COVID patients and it was something else, it was really revealing. And certainly got you fired up. I will say that.

Harry Duran

Yeah. It's exciting as a host when you get to have that interview.

And then when you realize later on for those that are editing their shows and they get to hear it and yeah. It's almost like a reminder for you of like, wow, that was as good as I thought it was. And then you get really excited about sharing it with your audience as well.

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah. I've transitioned to editing most of my own.

Now, initially I had them produced externally and I think that did a lot to save me time, but it's not like they would make the same stylistic choices that I might make editing them myself. So I find myself as I get, let's say just a little bit more comfortable with the media. Feeling more adept at making those judgments cutting when it's unnecessary, you know, just, uh, taking those leaps of faith and producing another piece.

I'm also considering now kind of posting reflection pieces. So I'll get the episode out there and then do like a reflection piece where I say, you know, I've thought a lot about this podcast over the course of the last week. And here's my thoughts around X, Y, and Z. Both as a way to refer back to good content, but also because once I get it out into the world, I tend to listen to it again.

And I try to take the consumer's perspective. Like how would they hear this listening to it for the first time? And it gets me thinking about it differently, the issue that I covered, or, you know, some new idea I might have as a result of it. I also have been struggling to try and get to two podcasts episodes a week, which can be a bit of a tough.


Harry Duran

And for those folks that have one a week and feel like they have their hands full, it gets very challenging. And depending what else you have going in your life or in your business to, to keep that momentum going. But I thought it might be helpful for the listener to understand how you ended up here.

You and I connected on LinkedIn. You joined a group that I have there called podcasts for thought leaders. Send a quick welcome note to folks. And then you mentioned that you had just dropped the trailer for the podcast. And then I think we were just talking about the launch and it's interesting. Cause I was like, what's your been your biggest challenge so far?

And you said motherhood work, graduate school and power outages. It was a

Corinna Bellizzi

lot. So I did launch in January. But I literally had some crazy wind storms come through this neighborhood when I had guests booked and all of a sudden the power was out and it was going to be out for a little bit. And then one of the people that I featured in an earlier episode, um, is a CEO of float me, which is a company that does.

Short-term payday loans basically, but without being like onerous fees, almost a not-for-profit perspective, like they aren't a not-for-profit, but pretty darn close. So purpose-driven affordable. Right. And they're based in the San Antonio, Texas area. And so the ice storms hit them the week I was supposed to be recording his podcast and, you know, they didn't have power for weeks on end.

So it was just really interesting. It felt like at the time that I was launching, there were so many. Uh, circumstances that were beyond my control that I had to navigate and just kind of roll with and understand. Okay, well maybe I wanted to go ahead and launch with three in the can at this particular time.

It didn't quite work out that way. Got the trailer episode out. And a couple of weeks later on my first episode hit. So since then, I've just been going strong with one episode a week and yeah, it's kept me busy.

Harry Duran

And one of the things I asked you to do in that chat is that where you were at with the show and you had told me, you just kind of started.

So I was really excited to see the topic and what you were working on. And I give you like the mini challenge. I said, well, when you hit 20 episodes, you know, reach out to me and I'd love to invite you onto the show. Cause. People to like, feel like they're striving towards something, but I can't tell you how many times I have made that offer and never heard anything back from people either, you know, for whatever reason something else was going

Corinna Bellizzi

on, it was actually really helpful.

You gave me a goalpost. And so as soon as I had that goalpost, I'm like, okay, so this person, I need to reach it once I've got to 20 episodes. And then it caused me to also do a little bit of reading. I was like, oh, most podcasts, actually pod fade, violet episode seven. Like they don't exist beyond that. And so I was just, I'm a little surprised at that, but.

Since I launched and now looking back, I mean, anchor and some platforms make it so easy for people to come on and just have some conversations, record them, put them out there. And then, you know, if they don't really have a clear strategy in mind, I could see how it would just fade into the background that wasn't the intention with which that I started this.

Harry Duran

Yeah, I think it's one of the things that podcasts, there's new podcasts, there's at least underestimate the amount of time and effort to do it and not only publish and be consistent, but to do it right, to be able to plan for content. There's so many moving parts, and you have to be thinking about like who you're gonna reach out to.

And then there's that whole process of booking and scheduling and re doing the recording. And then to your point, the editing and the marketing and the website, all these moving parts that sometimes when people think about a show, they just think. The conversation and to do it, to do it well, which it's, it's clear that you've, you've done from everything that I've seen.

It takes a lot of, um, planning and passion for the topic. I would imagine because what's being covered on these episodes is something that's near and dear to your heart.

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah. And the topics vary, but I do have to find the right person to interview to cover the particular. Thing, right. Like, I can't talk about the life autistic without somebody who has autism and is dealing with the challenges of autism as an adult in today's life.

I can't talk about what it's like to live in Ghana in the LGBTQ plus community, without talking to somebody who actually lives in Ghana and has experienced it in some way. You know, in their lives or who has supported others who are being subject to that kind of racism, sexism, you know, isms that we try to avoid here in the west.

And I mean, literally living in a space where it's illegal to be gay. So I really look for people that can help me cover topics that are. Really near and dear to my heart, but also just that are rooted in making the world a better place, improving awareness around particular issues, because it's my firm belief that as we improve awareness, we're going to create a more just and equal world.

It doesn't happen overnight. And, you know, there are communities around the globe that are raising up slowly and surely with their incomes coming up and with their ability to make choices about the foods that they eat and perhaps they'll stop littering as much. And, and, and, and, and so, you know, that's really the root of the podcast, really trying to get people to care a little bit more.

So we can all be a little bit better and it's a global effort. It's not just a regional backyard thing for me. That's part of the reason that I feature guests from around the globe. And I've spoken to people from. Ghana the UK Nigeria shoot. Yeah. Into Asia. So really all over the place. Many from the United States, some from my direct social circles, some from people I know like Cassie Alexander or, you know, even just the founder and president Howard Schiffer of the vitamin angels and the work that they're doing around the globe.

Uh, so it's been just a real, incredible journey thus far. And I'm just looking forward to the next. Can

Harry Duran

you talk a little bit about your agency and the work that you're doing at a growing need and actually like the origin story of that, like how you ended up founding founding that my work

Corinna Bellizzi

life. So

Harry Duran

it feels like there's action.

Because I think from what I gather the impetus for creating that. And that energy I think is what's being carried through. And we can talk a little bit further about that, but I think that what's being carried through into how you designed and thought about the idea for the podcast.

Corinna Bellizzi

Initially, I had thought that I was going to create a brand of products that I would offer to the world under a brand called care more, be better.

And that's not what ended up happening. I mean, this really is social impact effort. It's more of a not-for-profit perspective. And so it's not directly tied to my work, but if you. Are to draw that line. It happens kind of like this, you know, I grew up in the natural products industry in a professional way, right.

I started working straight out of college for an herbal extract company that created herbs that could be used in formulas that would help people's lives. And so I started formulating supplements in my early twenties with companies, and then later. Building incredible brands like Nordic naturals, where I reported directly to the CEO and essentially built the direct to consumer and retail facing brand that everybody in the omega-3 space knows and loves today.

So I spent a decade doing that and, you know, was able to really push forward some really interesting, not for profit or organized projects, including collaborations with the vitamin angels who I feature an episode. I believe that was 20. And also water projects or inner city park projects, projects with veterans that supported veteran communities all through my work.

And so I essentially started a growing need, which is essentially a sales and marketing organization that serves the needs, the growing needs of companies that are in the natural. And I build their plans for sales and marketing for them, and often integrate, not for profits connections, cause marketing partnerships and things along those lines and demic to their brands so that they're able to grow and thrive and answer the needs of a consumer who wants to live well by doing good and also cares about where their money is going.

And so that serves the natural channel, I think really well because that's where the headset of the natural channel consumer already is. And so I'm thrilled that I get to continue doing that work. I'm working on a primary project right now in the algae space. And I have a couple of other clients. One is in not-for-profit and I do their social media, but really it's just my contractor ship.

And I do subcontract to a few others that support the efforts of growing company.

Harry Duran

Has this always been a passion for you, as long as you can remember. Cause if you look at the track record of the companies, you work for, the initiatives you're working on, and I have been a user of Nordic nationals in the past, and it's a reminder that I probably probably need to wrap my order of that.

And so I'm wondering, yeah,

Corinna Bellizzi

we all need to take fish oils, like do that or eat sardines, right? Like.

Harry Duran

Yeah, and I have been eating sardines, so that's probably helping. But when you first got in there with the first company, I would imagine this is a topic that has been a passion for you. And I'm wondering how far back you can trace that.


Corinna Bellizzi

childhood I'll give a for instance, You know, when I learned as a little kid that they were doing surgeries on recess mechanics to remove their corneas and things along those lines to do studies on how, you know, you could create surgical solutions to blindness as one example. I was really upset by that.

I didn't like that they were doing this animal testing, basically making animals blind for the possibility that we might be able to go ahead and do corrective surgery on humans at a later date. So I remember at less than 10 years old, I was writing and getting petitions signed, descend into Congress.

It's almost like I just have always wanted to protect the underdog or to serve community in a way that I think is just. Kind of an idealistic approach to living. I was accused in high school of being an idealist and I was told things like, oh, well, when you grow up, this will fall into the wayside. And I just never believed it.

And I still don't believe them. There are always going to be naysayers who say, oh, with time you will be more jaded or this or that. And I am in certain ways, but never when it comes to this perspective of wanting to live well by doing good and helping others around me to do the same, helping people to feel less of the Mount Everest syndrome.

Because I feel like each day, if we make small changes in how we approach living, then we can make it. And it doesn't have to be huge. It doesn't have to be what feels like a Herculean effort. It can be something small, like even just refusing that plastic bag at the grocery store. And if we all collectively do something like that, then what it happens, we push for more radical change.

So that's just how I see things. And I don't see that changing anytime. Yeah.

Harry Duran

And they definitely, as we definitely need more of that energy in this world of everything that we're seeing, even just like those Netflix specials of like how, what the impact of plastics on the oceans, which it shouldn't be surprising to anyone at this point.

But I think the more. Podcasts, the more people we have who can amplify other people's voices in this space. I think it's turning it probably like a, you know, a big ship turning very, very slowly. But I think there's signs that more even younger generations are actually thinking about these topics. And, you know, I feel like those conversations are, are happening more right.


Corinna Bellizzi

And I would agree with that. You know, I'm not recalling the exact episode, but I interviewed this gal, Kelsey Rumberger. She wrote this book called trash to treasure, which really is an invitation for companies to look at the economics of their waste and to try to reduce their waste streams and also find other uses for their waste, which it's an incredible effort to even write this book in the first place.

So I interviewed her on the podcast and one of the things that she said. That I found really surprising and which has changed. My thinking is that the chip bag is the hallmark of our generation. And what she means by that is that this simple little chip bag that you get, or some chips or your Doritos or whatever it, that waste doesn't really break down.

And so if you look at these videos of plastics in our ocean, that's what you see. You see a tons and tons of these chip bags. So now when I go to the grocery store, That is the last thing I buy. I will always buy something that is like the bulk size. And then I have reusable bags that all put those in for my kid's lunchbox.

Now that change might just be small. It might be one thing that I'm doing, but it's one thing of a hundred things that I'm doing that will all make a measurable impact throughout my life. And if I'm living by that example and I talk about it with somebody and they think about it and go, wow, you know, I really don't want the chip bag to be the hallmark of our.

Generation, maybe I don't want to buy those single use, you know, individually packaged 100 calorie things anymore either. And I'll just be more, more mindful about the purchases I make. So, you know, that's what I mean by the power of small too. It doesn't have to feel huge. It can just be small steps that we take each.

Harry Duran

Definitely having to rethink those as well now, because my mind is now cycling through that. And is that the single serving ones are, but you also apply that to like the big ones

Corinna Bellizzi

as well. I think she's really talking about the single serving ones, but the reality is chip bags are generally made of the same thing.

It's like a plastic coated Mylar, and they really don't break down. They don't break down in the oceans. They don't break down a landfill, they just kind of remain. And I mean, you've probably experienced how hard it is to rip open a chip bag. Right. When you do, you know, sometimes you over extend and shred the whole thing and chips end up everywhere.

And so a simple solution could be just by the big chip bag, you know, it's going to be less material overall for what you're getting cut the top of the off of that, fill it little baggies of your own and, you know, use those.

Harry Duran

So how do you. Process all this information, because I think about my partner, she's a pretty empathic.

So this type of stuff, like she thinks about that stuff a lot. And she's, she's really like loves animals. And so like if a bird hits the window here or it sounds like something did, she'll be like, she'll run outside and be like making sure that it's not startled. She used to work at the wildlife restoration project and we actually just brought in a bunny like three or four days ago that had been attacked by a cat.

So I see firsthand. How that affects her personally in the course of making our way through this world. And so I'm wondering for you, like how you process that, how you deal with that and because there's no shortage of things like that, that could constantly rolling around. Yeah. Well,

Corinna Bellizzi

part of it is I do a podcast.

So, you know, it helps me to get it out into the world, from my brain into the world. I'm really working to be as intentional as possible with the show. The reality is I've had to turn some guests away that didn't really fit with the ethos of what I'm trying to do. And I just put a lot of effort into it.

I mean, each episode might take me. Total of 10 hours, let's say with regard to networking, connecting with that person offline, making sure that they're a right fit, writing the questions, doing research to make sure I'm prepared for the interview, doing the interview and then editing the interview.

Sometimes I spend more time in editing them that even, but for the most part, that's about what I get through. But yeah, I really think it's important. Just try to make small changes in your life. So if you are passionate about something and let's say it's the wildlife health in your neighborhood. I mean, you might even just make a small donation to a local not-for-profit that helps fund them or donate your time.

Both things can make a really big impact.

Harry Duran

Something you said that, uh, I think is really interesting for folks that are thinking about starting the show who have a show we've been doing the show for. Years is this idea of a guest not fitting our potential guests, not fitting your ethos. So for the benefit of the listener and be interested as well, how would you describe the ethos of your show to someone who is interested in being a guest star?

Corinna Bellizzi

Well, I really just have this simple metric I look for. And that's just, are they making a social impact about a particular issue or are they driving something that is really focused on sustainability? And if either of those things aren't met, I don't interview them. So there have been people who reached out to me.

Oh, well there's is a wellness coach. And she helps businesses that are in their second generation do X, Y, and Z. I'm like, that's great. You know, I do feature some topics that are connected to business, but that's not my primary focus. And so there are plenty of podcasts out there that are very much directed at, you know, what it takes to run a successful business or.

You know, really, I mean, you could do a Google search from there's hundreds of thousands of those that seems so I'm focused on social impact and sustainability. And even in the case where, you know, I was looking at interviewing my friend, Cassie Alexander on the year of the nurse, I'm like, well, COVID made a huge social impact on all of us and understanding what it's like to be in the shoes of a nurse.

When you could end up in that hospital for this disease, that's important and the effect we're of wearing a mask or not wearing a mask on the health of people around you. That's pretty big deal too. So yes, this has a social impact, even if it's not the traditional topic I might cover on the show. So that's just two examples I can think of.

Harry Duran

And what I love about that is it really helps you. Always keep your audience in mind. And this is something I talk about on my show. Like I've been doing it since 2014, but it always feels like I'm having a conversation that I want to have, and that I'm always thinking about my audience and their curiosity.

And so they know that if I'm curious and I'm interested in the guests and learning more about how they got to this point, that it'll, that's something that they're thinking of as well. And I think it's a little. To what you spoke to because you're conscious of what your audience is coming for, because based on how you've positioned the show and always, you know, thinking about what's going to serve the mission of what you're trying to achieve and also why people keep coming back as for these stories.

So I just love that you're, you're, you're laser focused on it because I think that's. Separates out, you know, podcasts that don't have any ethos, you know, they'll just take anyone who wants to be on the show and they, at some point, just start to sound generic, as you've alluded to

Corinna Bellizzi

attempted, you know, sometimes they just want to bring someone on to have a really cool conversation about something that's happened.

Maybe I need to create a different podcast. Like I'll do a second podcast. And then that one will be about X, Y, or Z. I've also been counseled by really smart people in media that even my show might be too broad a topic. And perhaps I should just do something on social impact or a particular take on social impact or a particular take on sustainability.

And my response to that has been no, because I need to be really interested. And the fact is that my interest kind of goes. Broad. And so even in that, it is a specific show. The other piece that I try to consider as I look at interviewing somebody or covering a topic on the show is, does this fire me up?

Because if it fires me up, that comes through the microphone and people, they come along for the ride and if I'm not fired up about it, I feel it. I'm sure they feel it too.

Harry Duran

Yeah, that's so important. It's what keeps you going? And it's what keeps you excited to do this show? Because it, you know, there'll be ups and downs and there'll be days you don't feel like recording or don't feel like editing or don't feel like marketing, you know, fill in the blanks.

But I think the excitement you get from the conversation and then from feedback you get from listeners after you've put them out, I think is helps any and all podcasters who go through their ups and downs with it. Yeah. And

Corinna Bellizzi

that being said, I have interviewed people that I was a little less excited about, but then when we got into the interview, I was like, wow, that was a really interesting conversation.

Like there's something about, I think, turning the mic on starting the recording, warming up and getting into a conversation that I think. Can change even your perspective as a host of a show. So I think if you approach it from the perspective of I'm here to have a good conversation with this individual, I've done enough research on their background.

I feel like I can speak intelligently with them about X, Y, or Z, or at least draw out something intentional then. Then I think we'll have fun. And so far that's been the case almost every time. So I'm feeling really good about it. I've actually gone back and listened to my first episodes and where it's obvious that I'm not quite as comfortable behind the microphone.

It's still good content. Like, I feel proud of it. I'm glad it's out there. And so I just encourage people who are really interested in podcasting as a platform to, you know, get a microphone, start trying it out, record a couple of things on zoom, just with some friends or family and play with it, get comfortable and then just, you know, build your plan because if you don't have a plan, you're kind of adrift at sea without.

Really any guiding compass, you don't know where you're going to end up. You don't know where you'll land and you might just be one of those podcasts that pod fades by episode six.

Harry Duran

There's a lot of things in there. I want to throw it to, I want to pull, you talked about having. Not knowing where the conversation is.

And we all, sometimes in the beginning and I've experienced that as well. And I think what it's helped me to do is become a better listener and just be more curious and active listeners as well, because you have to really play off what you're getting from your guests in terms of energy level and education and just experience.

And it's almost like the notes and the prep that you do are there as a backup. You know, to your point, there's a good percentage of the time that if you're doing those first things like listening, being curious, you really won't have to refer to the notes because the conversation sort of takes on a life of its own.

And it becomes exactly what I'm, I've been referring to these more as, instead of interviews as conversations, because that's what happens when people organically.

Corinna Bellizzi

So, I don't know if you have a favorite show or two, but I do. And I'm not going to speak specifically and only have podcasting, like Jerry Seinfeld did this a show called comedians in cars, getting coffee.

Right. And I don't know if you've listened to it after a while it gets. Boring to me because I've watched so many of the episodes. I'm like, oh, I can see what's going to happen. Now. I bet I can pick the car. He'd choose for this person and all that jazz. I'm a bit of a car nut. So I had fun with that one, but you know, it was only semi formulaic, right?

Like the formula was the car and the coffee and the committee. But other than that, they really just talked. And so, you know, understanding the art of conversation and perhaps having a frame of questions that you start with that can be helpful. But sometimes I only ask like one or two that I had pre-canned I do like to end with a particular question, which is.

Is there a question that I haven't asked that you wish I had? And so that one tends to get my guests to really think about all the questions I asked them up to that time. And then, you know, well, I really wish you'd asked me about X and then it could be another 10 minutes of show after that. Or it might be just a, oh no, but I really want them to, you know, go away from today's show thinking about X, Y, and Z.

Great good way to wrap up. Good way to make sure I didn't miss something that could have been really an incredible gem and it's proved to work most times there's one interviewee who was like, where are you trying to go with this? I'm just like, well, I'm trying to offer you the floor, but it's okay if you don't want it, you know, and just edit that part out.

Harry Duran

And it's funny with that question, because I've heard it asked before in shows and there is a small percentage of people that will respond that way to that. Cause I think I don't see the value in an answer coming back from that as well. So I think that's probably that percentage that you experienced.

Yeah. Yeah. And the other thing you talked about, which is really key and something we focus on with our agency is this idea of having a plan. So getting back into like a little bit of the nuts and bolts of it, like. You're thinking about an idea. I imagine that this time you're listening to shows you're getting inspired by different formats and types of podcasts.

So walk me through those early days of like how you're starting to think about what the show is going to be about. And some of that. Okay.

Corinna Bellizzi

So I'm just going to laugh because the show that brought me into podcasting was my favorite murder. And it's a true crime podcast. It's probably one of the most popular podcasts that exists, but my friends have been telling me about it for a few years.

And I was like, I don't want to listen to a show. That's just about murder. Like, that sounds really bleak. And I don't know. Right. And so then I started listening to it in November of last. Now I started my podcast in January. So what does that tell you? Wow. I literally binge listened to over 400 episodes of my favorite murder between early November.

And the time I launched my podcast. And so what happened for me was I was listening to these women, tell stories without asking a ton of questions in between, but I was hearing them share their experience, their life experience, or thoughts or perspectives about these atrocious things that had happened.

And it got me thinking about all the times in my life that I've used a platform. To educate public or that I've been a guest on a radio show to do interviews in the space of nutrition and omega threes. And I realized through the course of doing this, that I already had the skillset to do a podcast. I already knew how to construct a conversation and get something educational put together.

I enjoyed listening to audio books and also to interview formats stories. I often listened to Terry Gross on fresh air or to car talk on NPR. Those were two of my favorite shows as a much younger adults that I've listened to for gosh, 20 years now. So I just. I think that I came to the podcast because I felt I wanted to really put more good into the world, social impact sustainability.

I knew I wanted to do that. I started to understand the form. I realized I could have control without being a slave to advertisers, unlike people who are working in radio, unlike people who are working in TV. So I could utilize this tool as a way to build conversations that would get people thinking. And so that's what I chose to do.

Harry Duran

What's funny is the way you describe it. It's almost like you are already a Castro, just not name because you sort of, I had been doing all the things and practicing the skills that one would need in order to be an effective podcaster. But I think just really the podcast, almost just all those pieces together that were already active in

Corinna Bellizzi


Yeah. And I never considered it before I started listening to podcasts in November. I mean, I'd always listened to radio shows, but I'd even fallen out of doing that because who listens to the radio anymore. I, um, really just listened to music on my Amazon music count or on Pandora or whatever, or Spotify.

And I wasn't really listening to talk anymore. And I think that COVID changed that for a lot of people because of this sense of disconnection we had from one another. And I actually heard people say this on the, my favorite murder chat boards and things like that. Like they literally felt like these women became their friends.

Even though they were only hearing them through a podcast. And I realized that I felt that way about Terry Gross. And I felt that way about the car talk brothers, click and clack. Right. I felt that way even, and I don't even want to say his name, so I'm not going to, but another, you know, this jockey, let's say, you know, you almost felt like you knew them.

And I felt like if I could do that through my podcast and help somebody else along and make them feel more connected, Then great. I'm doing something else. Even if I'm only reaching a small audience, I'm reading it, reaching a small audience. That cares. I

Harry Duran

think that's the important part because people, when they get into it, if they get into it for the wrong reason, I think they start to get too concerned with like download numbers and, you know, get, you know, how do I get 2000 tens of thousands and get my sponsors?

And it's a bit like putting the cart before the horse, because you know, Delivering that message to a small group of people who return week after week to listen to your show. I remember when I started speaking podcasting conferences, they would use the example of, okay, if you're only getting 150 listeners on each episode and you start to complain, have you thought about that?

Putting those 150 people in a room like every week and you were there in the room talking to them and sharing those experiences. You just never know who is listening and is going to be impacted. And it's like something I've said when I've spoken at conferences on stage, like I'm just happy impacting one person, like regardless of how many people are in the room or in the audience, like if just like one person thought differently about something that I said, I'll feel like I've I did what I was supposed to do.

And I, I think about that way in my podcast episodes.

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah, well, I have a background in anthropology that was my undergrad. Right. And Margaret Mead, I'm going to paraphrase because I don't remember the quote exactly. But she has this quote where essentially says. Never forget that a small group of inspired individuals can change the world.

Indeed. It's the only thing that ever has. And so I think about that, that keeps me motivated. And the reality is that, you know, I think my top podcast thus far has had about 500 downloads that single episode. And I'm pretty enthralled by that. I think that's pretty darn good for a single episode, given that I'm about six months old.

In all actuality, I launched my trailer episode in January and it was mid, mid February before I launched any after that. But. The reality is like, I can't necessarily talk to 150 people live with that frequency. So if I'm able to reach that many over the course of a podcast being out there, then fantastic.

I still get people going back to my trailer episode. So that seven minute clip that was about what this show is intended to be. I look back at that now I'm like, I probably need to edit that first podcast because I didn't actually release the episodes in the order that they were mentioned in there. But then I'm like, it doesn't really matter.

I mean, the listen it'll be fine. So I'm trying not to be a perfectionist. That's the other thing, trying not to be a perfectionist about the podcast, because I don't know that they're ever perfect. And I think that's part of their.

Harry Duran

So well put, so put, yeah, I think I have to revisit my trailer. It's really old, at least three or four years now that you mentioned it.

So, and then it's a good practice when you change seasons or even like three to six months, you should really be refreshing it because you're going to get new listeners all the time. I mean, I say in every episode, if you're new to this show, this is the one where I speak to interesting folks in the podcasting space.

So the fact that I do that. Means that I probably should be revisiting that trailer. I'd be remiss if I didn't. Just as a quick aside, ask you what your dream car is. There

Corinna Bellizzi

is, there's like 50 of them. I really, really like the Ferrari Dino for its simplicity. That's the beauty of design and the fact that it was kind of a lay person's Ferrari.

I had the chance to buy one used a few years ago for like $16,000 and didn't do it. And I look back on that day, several times over and I'm like, you know, I should have just bought it. I had the money. Why didn't I just. And the reality is then you have to garage it. Then you have to have a mechanic you trust, then you have to, then you have to, then you have to, and I wasn't at a point in my life at that space.

I was in my late twenties, I think, but I didn't have a garage. And I felt like a garage was a precursor for a Ferrari, even if it was only the lay-person $16,000 vehicle. So I didn't make that choice, but I still think about.

Harry Duran

And so do you like the Jay Leno shows? I

Corinna Bellizzi

have a love, hate relationship with Jay Leno.

I think he's really fantastic in several ways. And then, you know, he's just a little extreme, but I do love his love of cars. And I have seen him talk at Concours d'Elegance and pebble beach. I snuck in there a few times, cause I didn't like paying the $250 entry fee through the golf cart, entrance and service entrance.

Oh wait, this is out there now. I don't think anyone's going to come arrest me though. So. Yeah, I had, did see him there and he does have an excellent collection of cars and a giant garage. That's probably built to display them like a museum.

Harry Duran

Very nice. So now I'm curious about this love for cars. Is that just go far back as well?

As far as you can remember. Oh, I

Corinna Bellizzi

get that from my dad. I feel like it was the way that we bonded when I was little, he always had like five or 10 vehicles and I literally say five or 10 vehicles. Maybe a couple of them would run well, and then the others would be a crap shoot. But, you know, they weren't always the nicest vehicles, but he was always tinkering with them.

The car I learned to drive in as a M G model B that he worked on, he still has it. He wants to pay it forward to me to give it to me. And he's like, well, honey, I don't know if I could drive it over the hill. I'm not confident in the brakes I live in Santa Cruz. He'd have to drive over a mountain. I'm like, yeah, maybe we should wait.

Harry Duran

That's funny. That's a nice memory. And it's a nice, I mean, I remember my dad showing me how to change the oil. I think we changed the shocks once and the brakes. And so in the garage, just like hands-on how to figure that out. I don't know that I could do that. And I think the cars today. Complicated. I probably don't even try, but it's

Corinna Bellizzi

nice that it's not as easy as it once.

I mean, I started racing cars at the track too, so I was doing that for a while, but only cars I could still work on. So I had like a Mazda Miata and I did track days, thunder Hills, years point a Laguna Saika, you know, a few others. And it was just a lot of fun, but still even that car in 99, No 2001 Mazda Miata everything's covered in panels.

You have to spend quite a bit of time with your ranch, just getting all the panels off to get to the motor. And I think that has both been done to keep consumers who don't know what they need to know about the computers and the inner workings of the car from trying to do it as much as it is to keep mechanics.

Harry Duran

That's true. That's true. Yeah. My partner actually loves driving stick shifts. She makes like, whatever car she's in her last three or four, they've all been

Corinna Bellizzi

hard to find now. Really hard to find. Yeah.

Harry Duran

Couple of questions as we wrap up, what's something you've changed your mind about.

Corinna Bellizzi

I am considering whether I'm more moderate than liberal.

So I haven't changed my mind about that, but I've, it's been revealed to me that I might take things on more of a case by case basis than I even thought. So I'm constantly considering the information I receive when I'm looking at how I think about things, which I think is good, that's progress for anybody.

But I also lean back on that perspective of not wanting to lose my idealism. So. You know, is it idealistic to consider yourself, you know, on one side of the spectrum versus the other? I don't know, but there's something of this like bleeding heart, liberal Corina that grew up and, you know, a hippie commune that balks at the idea that I might be at Morrison in my perspective, that's

Harry Duran

a really interesting point.

And I think. You know, digging into stuff like stoicism lately and the sense-making world Mehta modern. I don't even know how to describe some of those like higher philosophy, philosophical discussions about what's happening, how to, what it means to have agency about your decisions and to be a, a rational thinker about each intake, each problem on its own merits, and then make a decision with all the information that you have.

And you feel like you can have an intelligent discussion and make an informed decision. Based on your own, knowing of it, as opposed to what other people are telling you. So I think part of the, the result of what we've gone through the past four to six years, I think is forcing people to figure out if they just want to continue to be fed, they're the opinions that they should feel, or actually start to think for themselves about what's the right thing.

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah, I mean, and I have always tried to read all sides of a story it's been harder and harder to find the truth because so many, well, basically, because news is be kind of come entertainment and because news has become entertainment, we don't get the same kind of journalistic approach to most news items.

We get opinion pieces that are encapsulated as news, but they aren't really news. So I find myself going to Reuters and BBC world news and things like that to try and get a more broad perspective and really I'm spending less time in social media. I try not to read any news on social media. I'll go to,

Harry Duran

and it takes work to have that discipline to do that.

And also to. Place it as something of importance in your life because the masses, her, you know, being eaten potato chips and single serve containers and, you know, throwing plastics in the ocean and not really getting spoonfed all of like this media, the news, the TV shows. For lack of a better example. I mean, it is like, everyone's just plugged into the matrix and not realizing they're there in the simulation.

And I think when you start to have conversations with people,

Corinna Bellizzi

yeah. Why is it always a choice though? Like blue pill, red pill? Why does it have to be one or the other, like you have to be left or right. Yeah. I think that's the disservice too. So, you know, I'm really just trying to keep my lens focused on the things I care about most, which is social impact sustainability.

They do tend to be. You know, topics that are more left than right. But I don't think that they are, they should be politicized the way they are. I really don't, you know, humanitarian concerns should be the concern of everybody. Absolutely. Having a healthy environment to live and breathe in should be the concern of everybody.

These are things that should be the rights of each of us, and it shouldn't matter. It shouldn't be politicized. That's my problem with kind of politics in general.

Harry Duran

Yeah, we're going through some interesting times and it's been interesting for me just to educate myself about, you know, our history and what we've done and have just repeating the same mistakes and oversaw that it feels like if we could have another hour conversation on just

Corinna Bellizzi

that time.

Well, I'm happy to come back anytime.

Harry Duran

What's the most misunderstood thing about.

Corinna Bellizzi

I'm very driven and I like to be productive. And so sometimes I'm not as friendly with my asks when it comes to work life or even personal life. Like I just get right to the point. And I think sometimes people perceive that to be abrasive or for lack of a better term bitchy.

And I'm really not those things. I just don't like to spend a lot of time on social niceties. It feels superfluous sometimes. And so I think that's a misunderstanding that some people have about me. I interviewed this incredible individual hunter Hanson from my podcast. It just went live today. He has this podcast, it's a YouTube show and also Instagram show called the life.

Autistic. And it has me questioning whether I might be on the spectrum myself, because apparently these are traits that are very common with people who have autism, that they just in that social perspective have trouble. And it's always been the case for me.

Harry Duran

Yeah, it's interesting. I was just having a discussion with someone a couple of weeks ago, about how much they hate small talk, get absolutely drives them bananas.

Corinna Bellizzi

Yeah. I mean, it's tough for me. I like to talk about something that's meaningful. And so, you know, even just that initial, you know, how's the weather type thing.

Harry Duran

Very cool. Well, Chris, thanks so much. This is very entertaining. I love when I just follow my impulses. With random conversations. And then I was just inspired by the work that you're doing.

And I just had a feeling that, uh, just by the nature of what you had done up until that point with the podcast, that this was something that was serious for you, that you were passionate about. And then it just made sense that it, if, and when you did get to that 20, that we would have a really good conversation.

And then,

Corinna Bellizzi

well, I've really

Harry Duran

enjoyed this. It wasn't disappointing. I really had a fun time. Yeah, me too. So much fun. Where's the best place for folks to subscribe to the show and learn.

Corinna Bellizzi

Well, you can just go to the podcast website itself, care more, be or you can find me on social spaces under the same moniker.

It's better on Instagram or camera will be better on Facebook. Basically. I try to make it available wherever you might listen. So it is available wherever you listen to podcasts. And I put all the links in show notes anyways. You should be able to find me fairly easily. You can also just send me an email to

That's where I would receive any requests to be a guest or things along those lines as well. So thank you. Thank

Harry Duran

you. I really appreciate your time. Thanks again, Corina for coming on the show. Don't forget to check out the full show forward slash 2 72. Special. Thanks to our sponsors focus.

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