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How A Satellite Constellation In Space Could Help Save The Planet With Vera Petryk, Cmo Of Eos Data Analytics

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If there are efficient ways to take care of the planet using as little intervention as possible, be sure to leverage it at maximum power. This is exactly what EOS Data Analytics is doing through their satellite constellation in space. The company’s CMO Vera Petryk joins Corinna Bellizzi to discuss how their low-orbit technology helps in accurate monitoring of agriculture and forestry, vastly improving farming practices and minimizing forest fires. She explains how they use artificial intelligence to translate radio waves from satellites that can be accessed even from a laptop. Vera also explains their mission in inviting big companies to contribute to the work towards sustainability, building a much better world.

About Vera Petryk

CMBB 126 | Satellite ConstellationVera Petryk is a lifelong eco-activist with an interesting work life that began in event management for major stars including Madonna and Britney Spears. She dug deep into the world of data, focusing on digital marketing and SEO before moving into brand management and leading marketing teams for multinational companies. She landed her dream job, marrying her love for planet earth with her data and marketing prowess as the CMO of EOS Data Analytics.

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Show Notes

0:00 - Introduction

3:04 - A constellation of satellites

15:18 - Dealing with bad actors

22:24 - Expanding satellite tech to other initiatives

26:03 - Philanthropic and other non-business related projects

32:48 - Being kind and gathering today’s brightest minds

42:20 - Conclusion

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How A Satellite Constellation In Space Could Help Save The Planet With Vera Petryk, Cmo Of Eos Data Analytics

In this episode, we're going to talk about another story that begins in Ukraine and extends to our global ecosystem health by leveraging the power of data and technology. I'm thrilled to finally introduce you to Vera Petryk after four scheduling changes due to certain disruptions in Ukraine and my home state of Central California because we've been pummeled by storms. Enough about all of that.

Vera Petryk serves as a Chief Marketing Officer of EOS Data Analytics, a Ukraine-based company that is bringing the benefits of space to Earth. They use low-orbit satellite observation to provide solutions for smart decision-making here on Earth. Their main focus is on agriculture and forestry, two topics we've talked a bit about here. They align with 9 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs, including climate action, clean water and sanitation, ending hunger, and supporting life on land. Vera, welcome to the show.

Thanks for having me.

That's so lovely to have you here. I wanted to first offer you the opportunity to share the great news of what you've been able to execute, the launch of a new satellite.

I want to say one remark. We're headquartered in the United States and we have some people working here. We're not a Ukrainian company. We're a United States-based company, but we are proudly funded by Max Polyakov, a philanthropist and Doctor of Science. He's Ukrainian, so we have some Ukrainian people here.

The exciting news is that no matter what happens on this, whatever political or environmental stuff, we had a great celebration. We launched our first satellite via SpaceX on the 3rd of January. It was a tremendous amount of work for everyone. If anyone wishes to see the live, we had the livestream on

Talk to us about what that means. I understand you essentially have put into orbit what is called a constellation of satellites that can observe what's happening here on Earth. How does this technology work to help us monitor things like the impacts of agriculture and forestry?

Apart from the constellation, we've been working in this niche since 2015, primarily in agriculture. We have this product that is called ESD Crop Monitoring. We have 900,000 users and we have users in every country of the world. It's not something new. You monitor the Earth from space, use a special set of bands on the satellites to detect the radio waves, and translate it with artificial intelligence into a digital platform.

To say it in easy words, you open your laptop, you mark the field that you want to monitor and you can see there will be different indices, like NDVI and NDMI, which stands for vegetation or water moisture accountant. This will be translated for you in easy as in green and red. Obviously, red means bad, and green means good.

If we talk about small-holding farmers, we try to make our platform as easy as possible. There are some competitors out there that do the same, especially in North America. What makes us now different is that we first tried and talk to our customers. We supplied them with this technology because you can use the free satellites by European Space Agency, the Sentinel-2, for example. They're very nice to share the data with us, with people who do scientific work with it. You don't own the data. Their revisit time is different.

For us, we've combined their knowledge, our experience, and the customer reviews. We understood that this will be a game changer. The satellite constellation is going to be seven optical satellites, and we've received the signal from our first one. We are on our way to changing, hopefully, the agricultural world for the better.

I want to take a step back for a minute because I realize you didn't get your start on this side of the industry in the world of technology. Your start in the workforce is a little different than what well most people in data and analytics might have experienced. Can you talk for a moment about that?

I’ve been working for many years in this field, and I’ve been working as a Head of Marketing for a few years. This is my dream job because I'm a geek, a nerd, and an eco-activist, and I'm crazy about space. Once I got the knock on LinkedIn, I was like, “This is space.” The brand looked different. There was no marketing department. We have 26 people and we're expanding. We are hiring eight more. This is the coolest job because you get to do something you care about. I know people and companies especially use sustainability word now too many times. It makes me happy that it's not just words here. We apply it in every product and solution that we work with.

As we talk about how this satellite technology is infused with EOS data analytical products and how that contributes to our overall ability to measure greenhouse gases' impact within the environment, it sounds like you're taking something that might have been visualized in a way through an inconvenient truth many years ago and modernizing it in a way that's more digestible. What can people expect to see from your company? Is it a visual that we would be able to see? What can they expect to see with this data?

You can even try it now. You can Google ESD crop monitoring, and we have a free trial. Go there and have fun. It's free for fourteen days. You mark your field and you can see how the planting and yield season work and if your crop is healthy. We have special indices that are explained in an easy manner. It's still not easy for me, but for scientists, it’s easier. You can understand, “Do I need to use more fertilizer? Does my soil has enough water? Is the vegetation going the right way or not?” With this area set with the satellite, we will not be only able to see the problem but will be able to tell you how to deal with it.

I didn't realize it would measure moisture levels within the soil itself.

It has already.

How can it do that from space? This is a mind-blown moment for me.

This is probably a question to 1 of our 60 scientists and 25 PhD professors who work on it. From a marketing point of view, it's called NDMI. It's moisture index. It's one of them that will allow you to understand if is there enough water and if there is enough water in the soil and in the vegetation itself. They use special bands and calculate the space and then they go above and beyond with the artificial intelligence, and all together, they combine it into easy to use platform. As a marketer, I will not be able to tell you the formals. Maybe next time we can invite someone else. We usually have scientists with us, and we're like, “Tell us how it works.”

It's starting to sound like we're looking at Earth as if we're space explorers. If I hear about a probe going to another planet and being able to ascertain what the moisture levels are there without putting boots on the ground, that has always sparked a little bit of curiosity but not enough that I’ve gone and done the additional research. I assumed it was something that they were doing on the ground. I dismissed it at that.

If this is something that a satellite is able to image and then ultimately tell us, that's incredible, especially if a farmer has a vast plot of land and they're not able to be on the ground in every particular spot or have that continual on boots on ground monitoring. They can see that from the constellation web that you have in the sky through satellites.

It's usually measured, the soil, the carbon, and the moisture. People usually go and take a sample. What we do, we tell them exactly, “If you have a vast land, it's not only farmers.” We work with other agents, input suppliers, IT companies, you name it. They have vast lands. It takes a lot of labor and effort to go and check, and it's very expensive.

With this, you can indicate the area, and we call this feature scouting. You have your farmers, for example, who work in this field and you say, “I can see on that kilometer somewhere there, you need to check it. We can see that there is a problem.” Only then, they go and take the sample, which saves a lot of money and a lot of time.

CMBB 126 | Satellite Constellation Satellite Constellation: Feature scouting allows farmers to determine which areas have problems and need to be taken samples from while saving a lot of time and money.

I'm thinking about the applications for the prevention of wildfires because I imagine there's a direct line there as well. If you're able to see the moisture levels in trees, what more can you tell from space about whether it's at risk or what the fire danger risk is at a particular point? Could it even detect a fire before it had been reported another way so we could deal with it?

This is done mostly right now by NASA Fire Alert. We've been working on our new product. Forestry monitoring is pretty new, and we want to apply this feature. It's not ready yet but if you want to check, at least I can suggest it because, with the fires that are happening around the world and especially in California, you can set up. It's free. It's NASA Fire Alert. We'll be applying it soon, hopefully.

As we dig deeper into this subject, why did you choose to study specifically or to work in this way? Why did you aim your career at focusing on preserving the planet overall?

I have been an activist since I was fourteen, so it's probably half of my life, even more. I’ve been planting trees every birthday. I’ve planted 28 trees. It was always my intention to do something else and do more. This was a perfect chance for me to create especially since I was given the freedom to create a brand and make the core of our vision in sustainability. Our mission is to equip businesses with satellite quick analytics. Our goal or dream is to use space tech as a global provider of sustainability on Earth. It should be everyone's life because apart from politics and everything that is happening between us, we have one planet.

We have some exoplanets, but we cannot reach them. That's obvious. We cannot even go to Mars yet. Someday we will, but for now, it's our only planet. It will be silly to ignore that there are changes. Even people who didn't care about it understand now that something is happening. We need to act. It's not that difficult. It's being conscious as a person. Especially, we need to reach out to big companies that produce plastic and big companies that are involved in any kind of business.

I strongly suggest them to go sustainable not only in words. It's not only great for your conscious and employees' motivation but also a lot of money now. In 2050, we're going to have so much more people living on this planet, and soil degradation is going to get up to 60%. We are wasting our soil with heavy machines, fertilizers, and climate change. All of it impacts. We need to understand that if you want to eat, you have to care.

It sounds relatively simple when you put it that way, but the reality is there are so many bad actors around the world. I don't want to necessarily point fingers. Look at something as simple as the beverage industry. The beverage industry overall mostly uses plastic for many reasons, but they are a huge portion of the problem when it comes to our overuse of resources and ultimately putting sugar water into people's veins that they probably don't need.

They are developing products that are somewhat addictive and also spike their blood sugar and utilize resources that, again, if we would go to the faucet and drink water or make some tea or something along those lines, we'd be living healthier, saving money and not utilizing these resources. Is there a way that what you are doing with EOS Data Analytics in particular that can help shine a light on some of these companies? I'm trying to understand as technology expands beyond farming and agriculture or forestry to be able to see emissions coming from plants around the world.

We can but we are not deeply involved in it right now. we are not fighting the big companies. We are encouraging other companies to go sustainable and to use science and to use space tech power to create something good and to preserve what we have. I don't think, again, that there is something that we need to fight with. From the marketing perspective, we've launched so-called social case studies that showcase our mission to preserve the planet and we work with people from around the world.

For example, we were highlighting the story of the illegal oil spill in Amazon, Ecuador. I have been there myself. I spent three days in the Amazon Forest. I’ve met amazing indigenous people there and I was trying to help them. This way we could use satellite data and proof because the government is also corrupted. They say, “No, nothing happened.” The indigenous people don't have that much of a voice. With exposure to digital technologies, we have. They live, eat, and drink from the land. This is one case.

Another one that is my probably favorite was with the fantastic woman from Chad. She reached out to us with the problem. Her local communities were scarce on resources because of climate change, they're moving to a place that is greener and started fighting. What we did was we created a 3D map of the whole territory and pinpoint like, “Here's water, and here's the forest, and here are the crops.”

The people from 130 communities came and told us, “Yes. Here we keep our water. Here, there is the migration of animals.” The problem was probably not solved 100% but it made an impact. I love these social case studies and the ladies, we've launched it. We've showcased the problem of the Munduruku indigenous people who live in Brazil. They suffer from illegal gold mining. It's polluted the air, it's polluting the land and people cannot live there. Not only by producing products and having businesses, but we are also trying to bring awareness. These indigenous people are the ones that are our Earth advocates and we should put them first because they know how we should live.

There's nothing that we need to come up with. It's all done. We've created the problem. What did humans do? We invented plastic. A famous comedian said that. Besides that, all of our solutions and products are based on the United Nations’ sustainability goals. Anytime we work on something, we're keeping them in mind. We are even launching a separate product line for sustainability.

The product line for sustainability, can you clarify what that is?

It's not done yet. It's in progress.

You'll come back on and talk to us about it.

We created the roadblock but probably the best example is that you can count the carbon emission in the soil and it also costs a lot of money. We'll work with one Australian company where they have a governmental program for farmers. If you do green farming, if you do everything according to the rules, then they take the sample and the government pays them back. It's very expensive and very difficult to detect it. With our technology, it's a special custom solution prepared by our wonderful scientists. This way, you can measure it from your platform from your laptop.

What is the cost of some of a program like this? I realize you have a fourteen-day program where any farmer can go and sample the technology. I imagine it's the software as a surface subscription platform. What does that look like?

We are not primarily focused on the farmers. We have a fourteen-day trial for such people. If you have only 300 hectares, you can use the product for free with a limited set of features. Wow. We work with big companies. We are B2B, business to business in that matter. It's a different kind of money. I wouldn't say it was expensive.

It's a different story but we talk about people who work with the land. We try to support them by providing them with free access. We also have this academic outreach program. When we allow scientists, researchers, and university students who work with the same researchers or that showcase the same or align with our vision of sustainability, we give out our products for free.

I interviewed Paul Hawken on his work Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis In One Generation. After that, I went through a deep dive into his book going chapter by chapter. One of the things that were surprising to me that I didn't know before reading the book was that our wetlands and our grasslands were responsible for sequestering. Lots of carbon within the soil.

Is your technology able to look at the whole globe and tell us these are the spots that are working best that we need to preserve? I know there are these big initiatives to try and say we need to set aside 30% of our land and not just the dry aired land. We need to set aside good land and let it ultimately sit and rest and go a little wild in order to help this globe regenerate. I'm hoping you can offer some color there.

For now, it is not possible to detect the whole globe because you take one spot and you go and do your homework. It takes a lot of time. We don't work with raw data, with satellite data, so our scientists are working with each satellite image to understand it and then they use a different algorithm to detect it. With this ERS set of constellation, right now we have only one satellite but we're going to have seven satellites by 2025 and we'll be able to monitor up to 95% of all farmlands and forestland on our globe. Maybe in 2025, we can get back to it and check if I was right.

CMBB 126 | Satellite Constellation Satellite Constellation: EOS Data Analytics are aiming to have seven satellites by 2025. This will allow them to monitor up to 95% of all farmlands and forestland on the globe.

I know getting those satellites launched successfully poses some challenges too, like you have to get that ride like going with SpaceX in January.

It was super scary because it didn't wake up for probably two hours and everyone was freaking out because we saw it. We had this huge celebration, we saw the satellite going into space, and everyone is happy. It's a lot of work because it's moving at a crazy speed and you have to detect it, especially from the ground stations. It has to be precise but it's alive. Everything is good and we're waiting for a calibration. the first images, the ones that are going to be used for analytics, are going to come up in late March or early April 2023.

Many people who follow science have heard about the launch of a certain telescope that didn't have its lens calibrated correctly. All the images were blurry. It was a paint chip or something to that effect, like literally something thinner than a strand of hair difference. It affected how the actual image would be conveyed to Earth. At first, I thought, “They must have done an algorithmic change,” but no, the lens had to be replaced. It was very expensive.

They keep it in a sterile place. No one is allowed to touch it. It takes like two days. It's old people wearing white like in movies, exactly the same.

A little bit beyond wearing the special gloves to keep from damaging your comic books or whatever.

I would not want to be around it. I'm clumsy.

Truly a clean room. It sounds like at EOS Data Analytics, you guys have this certain philanthropic streak to the company as well, because not only of the way you're funded but because of the fact that you're offering so much of what you do for free to help advance science. Also, to help those small hold farmers monitor their land and see what they're doing. Make improvements. that's all fantastic. Do you have any other non-business-related projects that are driving forward for societal impact?

Those are the ones that we have for now. I don't know what else we can come up with for social case studies. We are moving around the globe right now. We're working on the drought season in Iowa when there were a lot of corn fields damaged. We interviewed very interesting people. with social case studies, you can help people around the world in different places. With an academic outreach program, you can advance the science and give them the products to use for free. I love people who think and use their knowledge for the benefit of humankind. we should help them out and they will do all the work because they already know what has to be done.

It sounds like through these collaborations, any number of new ideas could come about. Ultimately, that's how this works.

Right now we want to do some positive eco study because there are so many awesome things happening in the world right now. We want to have something else to showcase. There are so many people who are silent heroes. There's a couple in South America who refused to live their land and they planted one million trees throughout their life.

CMBB 126 | Satellite Constellation Satellite Constellation: With so many awesome things happening in the world right now, identify which ones to showcase and who are the silent heroes that deserve recognition.

They changed the entire ecology. It's incredible. Even with the trees that you're planting each year on your birthday, I love that tradition. Is it a specific plot of land that you're doing it on or are they in different places?

It's all in Ukraine, in Kyiv. It's different. It's a chestnut tree because it's a symbol of our capital. It's of all kinds. I made my friends do it but they're not very enthusiastic about it. I do it myself and then I come to a party.

I'm curious, we've talked about this a bit but how else do you think that the company might evolve over the course of the next few years as you get more satellites in the sky?

We're going to become one of the leaders. We're already in the top 10, I would say, throughout the world. our main ambition is to become the experts, the leaders. We have everything. We have the possibilities, technology, bright minds and so many determined people. It's fantastic. When you work with a group of people who care about what they're doing, it makes it a lot of fun and it makes it heartwarming. You go home after a long day but then you think, “We've helped those guys maybe in Amazon or these people in Chad,” or “I’ve talked to this brilliant scientist and I’ve learned something new.” By 2025, once we have this full constellation of sound satellites, our aim is to become the experts.

I understand you have an office in Menlo Park, correct? Is that where the headquarters are?


That's here in California, not too far from me. It's about an hour's drive away and it happens to be near to where I have family members that live there, Redwood City, Menlo Park, and all these areas. Not too far away. Obviously, it’s a hotbed for technology and a lot of great minds that are inspired and working to create more change in their own ways too.

My husband works for a company called Joby Aviation that is doing vertical takeoff and landing similar to I'm sure some projects that the Teslas of the world are also undertaking. That EV toll space, doing it purely electrically so that we can have transportation that's both green and affordable and enables us to get from one spot to another without creating a bunch of noise pollution is quite interesting. I got to see a demo of it.

You're lucky. I want to make sure we get it right. It's not Menlo Park. It's Mountain View.

Mountain view. That's very close. of Bay Area as all one spot. I lived for a while in Mountain View but I’ve been in Northern California since 1994, so it's been a while.

I lived in Northern California. I stayed in Sequoia National Park for the summer. That's one that is next to Yellowstone. they're close. Sacramento, then San Francisco, and then there's Sequoia National Park with the tallest trees in the world. Beautiful.

I think you mean Yosemite. I do that too sometimes. Yellowstone is in the Dakotas so that's up North. We both get our little wires crossed here and there. As it stands, Mountain View is officially the heart of the Bay Area. Facebook is headquartered now in Menlo Park but then you have Apple Computers. Apple Computers is in Cupertino. They're all right in this throbbing technology spot. Ultimately, I'm sure that it will be easy to lure some people over with those do-gooder's hearts to work with you and who are well-versed in creating algorithms. That will make a world of difference and ultimately improve upon the technology day after day.

We have a lot of people from over the world. We have people from India, the United States, Sweden, and Mexico. It's very diverse.

To your point too, NASA has an office there in Mountain View as well. I have to ask you at this point if there's a question I haven't asked that you wish I had or something you wanted to dive in a little bit more deeply into you could ask and answer that question or offer some closing thoughts.

I want to share the thought that we should be kinder. it's very important to be kind and it's not only to human beings but to our planet. It's very fragile. Follow us on social media. We're showcasing everything that we do and we do a lot. Sometimes it's too much news that we have to post twice a day. there's a lot of nice stuff. If you like to reach out and talk about science in a manner that I can perform or you want to talk about the environment and the technology that we use, I'll be happy.

I understand your website is simply A three-letter website. Those are hard to come by.

It's a very old domain.

For anybody curious, you can take a peek at As far as your social channels, which are you the most active on? Would you say Twitter is a spot to live or Instagram?

Not Instagram. Instagram is probably for the students that we're trying to lurk for. LinkedIn and Facebook probably. I love LinkedIn. I'm very active on LinkedIn because we are all advocates of our brand. Facebook has all kinds of posts.

I was stalking you a little bit on LinkedIn, which is why I asked the question about your earlier career. I saw that you'd done some work with Britney Spears and some people on the people in fame. It must be a different world.

I had I would say a lot of different projects I’ve been working on. It was with Britney Spears, Madonna, and Cirque du Soleil. I was a student and I worked as an event manager, then I worked on some academic programs for students. I worked on the parental control app, then I worked on some cryptocurrency, then on the travel agency, then on animal protection. Finally, space. I hope this is going to last. It's been years and I'm not tired at all.

I feel that way about the show. It's not my first show to the rodeo in the world of marketing, so to speak, but it's a different world and I feel like I get to have interesting conversations, and connect with people like yourself who are working to make the world a better place. It's been my journey to double down on that effort in my professional life too.

Even while I work to do good within the work field and now I'm trying to help people improve their health with, instead of fish oil, an algae oil that is more sustainably harvested, ultimately the most sustainable source. You go to this direct source of omega-3 as opposed to consuming fish. Ultimately that's one thing. It was never quite enough for me.

I wanted to put this show in the world to help educate people beyond a B2B world and also consumers about all of the things that great people are out there doing to help be a part of the solution and tell the better stories. I love and appreciate the societal impact. I love that you're showcasing these real stories of real people on the ground in different spots around the globe. I'm definitely going to keep a finger on that pulse and I'll work to retell some of the stories as they come up.

If anything it's a very long research, but I always say if you are tired of reading, we always have 1 or 2-minute video with the participants. You have this short story. You get all of the information and it's easy for everyone to digest.

Thank you so much for joining me, Vera.

Thank you so much. Thank you for your patience in rescheduling this and making it happen.

Four or five times of rescheduling but sickness, craziness, and floods. My office did flood. I know I shared in a prior episode that a friend of mine had had their farm completely submerged, which was a real problem for all the animals he manages. I thought, “I'm on a hill. What happened to me? I'm on a hill, it'll be fine.” What had happened is that the ground got so saturated here that it started to seep up through the concrete foundation of my lowest level, which also happens to be where my studio and office are. Climate change is real and climate.

It's time for us to say we have all the data in the world. We have companies like EOS Data Analytics out there showing us that it's real and these are the impacts and here are the areas that are having challenges. We need to figure out a better path forward and it's going to take all hands on deck to do it, which means that we can cobble together solutions that come from your company and others.

I interviewed a while ago the CEO of Monarch Tractor. They're making a fully electric tractor that can be fully autonomous. Let's say you interlace something that you're doing with your data, with a tractor that you can program to go out into the land and do X, Y, Z without having to incur a ton of man hours. You can have these technologies work together to offer more support and to create a better way of procuring our food, preserving our soil, of leveraging technology to solve some of the problems that we've created. That's my closing thoughts.

There are so many bright minds and there are so many people trying to reach out to everyone. I don't know who said it but they said when the rich people will start feeling it, the change will come. Years ago, in the Bavaria region in Germany, a middle-aged woman was interviewed. She said, “I didn't expect it to happen here in Germany. I know it can happen in Indonesia,” and this is the problem, the mindset that it only happens in some poor countries or it doesn't matter. Right now, we can see fires and flooding going everywhere. We can understand it's going to escalate. All of us can be advocates for this and its democracy in most countries. We elect the people and they should listen to us.

To that point, overall, climate affects everybody. No amount of money is going to keep you from being evacuated if fires encroach on your villa. The entire city of Scotts Valley where I live was evacuated for ten days back in the fires of 2020. Luckily, my house wasn't taken but those of people I know were and that speaks nothing to the vast amounts of wildlife that were damaged and the animals that we lost.

It looks like a horror movie.

It's the same thing as when you look at Australia and all the wildfires there.

It's in Greece. It’s everywhere

Even the wine region.

Hottest winter in Europe.

You see Bordeaux region of France even with wildfires. These are spots where you didn't typically see this level of uncertainty. For the weather systems to seem to get stronger and stronger, every indication is that that will continue for a while, even if we were to stop all the CO2 emissions immediately. We need to get smarter and we need to be there to support one another. We need to lock arms and offer hope at the same time, which is something I'm thrilled to learn that EOS is helping to do as well. Thank you so much again, Vera, for spending this time with me.

Thank you so much.


As I said a couple of times earlier, to learn more about EOS Data Analytics, please visit You can explore their website, even start a trial if you so choose and get that free fourteen days. You can watch the video version of this show on YouTube or our website directly. While I also want to encourage you to think a little bit more about the impact you are having, I would like to invite you to visit our Instagram page @CareMore.BeBetter. What we're doing there each Monday is hosting a Be Better challenge. That's #BeBetterChallenge. We're educating people about what they can do in their daily lives to help be a part of the change and create a better world.

Some topics that we've covered are everything from donating your time to a local charity and the need to think about what you can do when disaster does strike in your local community. Even making less food waste so that we don't have as much methane production in our landfill to composting to whatever the next subject may be. It's an invitation for you to learn a little bit more about a particular subject through a simple post and perhaps a video as well as a blog that I might also publish. I encourage you to take a peek there and follow the #BeBetterChallenge on Instagram and TikTok.

One last thing. If you enjoyed this conversation, please subscribe and write us a review on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen. This helps more people to discover the show. Thank you, readers, now and always for being a part of this show and this community because together, we can do so much more. We can care more, we can be better, and we can make more informed decisions with the important data of companies like EOS Data Analytics. Thank you.

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