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Supporting Reforestation Efforts With Just A Few Cents With Hank Dearden

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As forests all over the world are continuously drained of their precious resources, a huge amount of money is certainly required to rebuild them. But every once in a while, noble reforestation efforts arise that does not call for a huge amount of cash. This is exactly what Hank Dearden does through his organization, ForestPlanet. He joins Corinna Bellizzi to share how they spearhead reforestation projects around the world at a surprisingly low cost: only 15 cents per tree. Hank explains how their work helps with soil restoration, which is crucial in rehabilitating the environment and improving farming strategies. He also talks about bringing their mission to movie screenings through their recent partnership with Katharina Stieffenhofer.

About Hank Dearden

CMBB 111 | Reforestation EffortsAs forests all over the world are continuously drained of their precious resources, a huge amount of money is certainly required to rebuild them. But every once in a while, noble reforestation efforts arise that does not call for a huge amount of cash. This is exactly what Hank Dearden does through his organization, ForestPlanet. He joins Corinna Bellizzi to share how they spearhead reforestation projects around the world at a surprisingly low cost: only 15 cents per tree. Hank explains how their work helps with soil restoration, which is crucial in rehabilitating the environment and improving farming strategies. He also talks about bringing their mission to movie screenings through their recent partnership with Katharina Stieffenhofer.

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Show Notes

0:00 – Introduction

3:16 – ForestPlanet

10:10 - 15-cent investment per tree

13:19 - Soil restoration

17:44 - Katharina Stieffenhofer’s Seed to Seed

27:53 – Getting in touch with ForestPlanet

31:26 - Societal benefits of tree planting

38:23 – Conclusion

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Supporting Reforestation Efforts With Just A Few Cents With Hank Dearden

Enjoy A Screening Of From Seed To Seed, A Film By Katharina Stieffenhofer, November 4 Thru 6th.

Every week, I invite you to care more so that we can create a better world together. We're going to dive deeply into the difference we can collectively make for as little as $0.15. I'm thrilled to introduce you to Hank Dearden and Hank is the Founder and Executive Director of Forest Planet. It is a 501(c)(3) organization that was founded back in 2018.

Forest Planet supports large-scale low-cost, at $0.15 per tree, reforestation projects around the globe The focus is on planting trees where they will have the greatest positive impact on the soil, the local habitat, the environment, and also communities in peril. Almost a million trees have been planted and their efforts are accelerating.

While we get to dive deeply into these powerful reforestation projects, Hank is also joining me to talk about an on-demand film screening of a film called From Seed to Seed. It's by Katharina Stieffenhofer. That screening runs from November 4th to November 6th, 2022. I am going to raise this to get this out to all of you. For each on-demand screening available for the low price of only $10, 50 trees will be planted. You can enjoy a film and know that your money is going to work creating positive change.


Hank Dearden III, welcome to the show.

Thank you so much for having all three of us. I appreciate it.

I saw in your intro the III. I always know there's a story there. How is it that you are Hank Dearden III?

Like all the other ones, there was a junior and then there was a senior. We all had different names. It’s Frank Henry Dearden III. Since there were three of us, we all had to switch out the names. They were traditionalists and it all worked out. There were three of us, and then there was one, but we carry on.

Before we get into talking about the screening of From Seed to Seed, which I had the pleasure of watching in a pre-screen, I'd like to hear more about your journey. What led you to found this new organization? I say new because 2018 isn't too long ago. With Forest Planet specifically, what's behind it? What motivated you?

It's a culmination of a lot of things that have been happening in my life that all came together. When people talk about fulfillment, there's the Venn diagram of the four circles where you have something that you are good at, something that you like, something that's important, and something that makes you money or at least makes a living.

It sounds like you're talking about your Ikigai, that Japanese context.

It took me a few decades to figure out that you needed to have all four of those. Where they all come together is personal fulfillment. That's what happened. My background is in business development, sales and marketing, communications, and consultative sales. I have an Engineering degree and a Math degree. I'm an empirical kind of guy focused on facts and keeping the bridge up. I did the circuit work. I’m a chop-chop, yes or no kind of guy.

Sales is a great thing. You either close a deal or you don't. You have that definitive feedback as well. You can't fuzzy that. At the same time, I am also a green guy. I like the planet that we live on. It’s a tough habit to break, oxygen being oxygen. You get used to these things, like water and gravity. The common sense reality is that on one hand, people say that it's a spiritual connection to the planet and they're tree huggers. That's all fine. I can't say that I have a spiritual connection. I have more of a practical connection. I love the planet. I love the trees. I love the thing that supply life because life itself is a pretty good thing. Let's focus on that.

I had multiple career paths. I did work for another NGO that was doing reforestation projects for a while. It was a little bit frustrating, mostly because they were muddling along at a $1 million or $2 million a year level. That is great in and of itself, but their message and their need were at least 2 or 3 orders of magnitudes larger than they needed to scale.

In order to do that, you have to have business processes. You have to tighten up and use your CRM and CMS so things can scale so it's not just chaos. I got blank stares when I was told that as the operations guy, “We need to start using the CRM. We need to start tightening up our business processes.” Some people were saying, “We're not a business. We're a mission-based organization.”

This seems like we're reflecting a bit on some of my personal experiences. I chose to go and get my MBA from Santa Clara University. I was told by some of my friends who work in the not-for-profit sector that if my aspirations were to work in a not-for-profit, it might be looked down on that I have an MBA. There are some of these systemic issues within the NGO community that somehow look at the work as a business that is problematic in and of itself. The reality is even if you're an NGO, you're selling a service. The service is what you're providing. If you can't show success in fundraising, then you crumble. You can't create the sorts of change that you want. It's so antithetical to what they're trying to do. We could say it is tripping over dollars to pick up dimes.

It’s penny-wise, pound-foolish, or all of the above. I agree. I found myself on the curb blinking in 2015. What do you do? You either curse the darkness or light a candle. Before that, I go to Ireland and go biking as one does.

That's a great place to commune with nature too. I visited Ireland and suddenly understood how there could be so many different shades of green in nature. It felt like all of Ireland was so green and growing.

It is awesome. The people are wonderful. Even the moss had moss on it. I came back and liked the mission. I liked what they were doing. I was like, “Let’s try to do it more as a tighter ship.” People say, “Why don't you start your own?” I was like, “I can't do that because I don't have the experience of being in the field and getting 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 or 40,000 seeds into the ground.” That's hard. That's a skill that I admire. I haven't done it. I could learn it, but starting that up from scratch would be a big capital investment.

People often say, “You don't have to do that. You can sub it out to organizations that are already up and running. Do what you do, which is communication. Get out there, find them the money, and then subcontract that out.” I was like, “I can't do that.” I thought about it for a little bit. I took a bike ride, came back and said, “I can do that.” That's an even better model because you're a lot more resilient to anything that goes on. If you're working with tree-planting partners around the planet, you have a lot to choose from, plus the fact that you have a lot of stories that your supporters can take part in, take credit where credit is due and share in as well.

There are similar stories in terms of soil restoration, water retention, or societal benefit. They're all along those lines, but they could be in Africa, Asia, America, Europe, Iceland or whatever. They are great stories with all the brands that you work with and can work with as well. That is Forest Planet. I launched it and got our 501(c)(3) at the end of 2017 after spending a whole year going through that. I punched it out the window and punched it out the door in 2018. We're sneaking up on our first million trees. The next million, I hope, will take months, not years. After that, it is weeks, days, and then minutes. This is the scale I want to get to.

We talk about something as small as a $0.15 investment per tree. How exactly are you able to achieve that?

US dollars go very far in the developing world. I don't even know what you call that, national inefficiencies, where prices and wages in one country are at equilibrium but at a lower level versus prices and wages in the United States. That's a much higher level with inflation, the balance of the dollar, and this and that. The bottom line is that the dollar goes very far. You can get someone to spend all day planting hundreds or maybe a couple of thousands of seedlings all day. In Tanzania, for example, you can pay them 10,000 TZS a day. That's good money for them. They can live off of that. That's $4.20.

The model here is to collect money from the developing world. We keep our costs super low. We have no office space. I'm not even W-2 yet, just 1099. Everything is virtual. Everything is in the Cloud. We are highly leveraged. I transfer the money to vetted tree-planting partners that I've identified. I have jumped through the hoops. I make sure that the money is going to the right place and the right way. We are using another company out of Spain that does satellite monitoring. You hand them the GPS coordinates and they can tell you almost exactly what's going on down fairly well of what's happening there.

I can sit here in Washington, DC and see what's going on. I visit once a year, but even then, the costs are very low. I was in Africa for eleven days and everything was covered. It wasn't that much money for ground transportation and everything else. Even when they were paying $8, $9 or $10 a gallon for gas, everything else was affordable because I was using Western dollars. It is leveraging the inefficiencies across countries if that's a thing. That's how it can be done.

This worked in a way has led you to plant almost a million trees so far. For those that are watching, whether it be on YouTube or on another medium, you can see all these tree seedlings behind you in the image. Ultimately, it is something to be proud of. It's a legacy to leave behind and to understand that you've made that impact. Understanding too what a million seedlings can do when they get to full-sized is incredible. You're creating entire ecosystems that may have been completely threatened and barren in the past. There has to be an element too of soil restoration in this in order for the re-forestry efforts to take hold and take root. Are you involved as well in that pre-seed perspective?

I trust the tree-planting partners that I work with. It's their area. They're all homegrown. When I was in Africa, I saw four different planting sites that we supported where different species were used for a different agenda that were cited for that agenda. For example, there is one field of the Kwezizi. There's a blog post about it. The good news there is that started having an impact within a year in terms of hanging onto the water. That's one planting site that was on a hill. It was normally a dry area. What you had to do was get the seedlings in a well-run nursery.

First off, every tree planning partner I work with has to have embraced or gotten the memo that it is a hub-and-spoke model with the nurseries where all manner of species are grown from seed. They’re properly cared for. They’re healthy babies before you send them out into the wild or into the fields. You've got to plant the seedlings or those particular species with the proper spacing and at the proper time. That is usually at the beginning of the rainy season so there is enough water to support them.

These areas do have some water, but you got to be strategic about it and not plant the wrong seedlings in the wrong matter and at the wrong time. That's a recipe for disaster. If you do it right, you're talking survival rates in 90% and mid-90%, which is great. It's very efficient. That leads back to the low cost per tree because your trees are living.

To define a tree here, to be clear, a seedling in the nursery is not a tree. That's a seedling. Throwing a seed in a field and hoping for the best is not a tree. A “tree” is a seedling that you grew from a seed that is now a healthy little guy, whether it is 3, 6 or 12 inches, and then transplanted that or out-planted that into the field. That's a tree.

They can have pretty rapid effects. In fact, with Kwezizi, they planted seedlings that were maybe 6, 11 or 12 inches tall tops. In 2020, there were 80,000 of them in an area that was 40 hectares. It's about 100 football fields. A little more than a year later, what had happened was that those seedlings had almost doubled in size. More importantly, their root systems had developed enough, were mature enough, and secure enough to be holding the rainy season water. That's the spring for them because they're south of the equator.

What they were able to do is inter-crop around them all manner of food crops like corn, maize, potatoes, tomatoes and carrots. That also secured the soil. They're all working together. By their fall, which was our spring, this past March in 2022, they were pulling all kinds of food out of this field. That is a two-year less transformation from something that looked like Armageddon because it had been denuded and degraded from climate change, fire, bad farming practices, and encroachment by the locals. It's incredibly productive right when this insane Ukrainian war is happening. We’re always talking about food scarcity in the developing world because the grain can't come from Ukraine. If you do the right thing and a lot of people grow their own, here's a case study of how to do that.

It reminded me of an episode I recorded of Nutrition Without Compromise featuring John Roulac and his work around the film Kiss the Ground, and also in agri-forestry and regenerative agriculture. It sounds like there are elements of that in the work that you are doing as well, which is incredible. That also helps me better understand this connection to From Seed to Seed. Let's use this as that pivot point. Let's talk about how you got connected to Katharina Stieffenhoffer.

She's a lovely person. She was born in Germany. They moved to Canada as a young child. She has been a farmer her whole life. She has made a couple of films. I discovered this through a distributor here in DC. We try to do all manner of events to get our brand out, get people engaged, and plant trees with that. We work with other people in events like our local professional soccer team. They planted a tree with every ticket they sold for a game earlier this 2022. 20,000 trees got planted in one night. Sometimes, we'll produce our own events like film screenings. This is all pre-COVID. That gets our brand out and builds our relationships with people.

During COVID, that was all shut down, but that gave me an opportunity to do a quick research on who is a distributor of good environmental films. I like those. I like environmental films. I'm a big fan of the DC Environmental Film Festival, which goes on every spring. I always volunteer. We've even sponsored in the past. They have great movies that get the message out. It's very inspirational to me. I said, "I can do that on my own one at a time."

I found this distributor. She had a whole library. I went down and said, “This looked interesting, Seed To Seed, and what it is about.” I screened it. I liked the story about it. It is centered on multiple different farming groups, one being a small family farm that's organic and one being a larger split conventional that is discovering organic. It's all multiple farmers growing different crops all with their own challenges and rewards. All are moving, some quicker than others, towards a more sustainable approach and organic approach. It follows all of them over the course of a season.

It's very well done. I'm picky when it comes to movies. I've seen a million of these things. They all have a formula to them, but this one broke the formula. It looks good. It sounds good. I said, “I'll screen that.” The price was right. I paid the royalty. We had an in-person screening here in DC and scheduled it. Within a week after I scheduled it, we had another COVID bump. Some people got sick and were not coming. The prices had gone up for the venue.

I like the movie. I said, “Let’s go to plan B. Let's try something else.” The distributor has a thing where you could do an on-demand where they'll make it available over a time period for a very reasonable sum. I said, "Fine." That's what we did. It's from November 4th, 2022 at noon Eastern Time until November 6th, 2022, which is a Sunday, midnight Eastern Time. It's a 60-hour window. It's an 87-minute movie and people can watch it as many times as they want during that window.

The thing that also drove me to it is it is real. It also has a positive tone on it that people are doing the right thing, they are trying, and there is progress that's being made. There's hope out there. You don't have to try hard to hear all kinds of gloom and doom about the climate and hurricanes destroying three-quarters of Florida at any given time. Those are very real. We need to take that seriously. I also want to say, “That's real, but here are solutions that work.” Katharina’s movie captures one of those solutions and so do we at Forest Planet. We are in sync in that regard. It dovetails with the tone we're trying to project. That's why we chose it.

I want to make a couple of comments about the film itself, having had the opportunity to view it, mainly because I've spent my career in the natural products industry. Therefore, I already had a base of knowledge around topics like GMOs, the perils that it thrusts on farmers in certain areas, the reason for their success, and also the challenges that GMO seeds can pose.

Because we end up in a situation where we're practically mono-cropping seeds at a certain point, we don't have the genetic diversity that was commonplace in prior generations. What I loved about this film overall is we got to see the human side of what it is to be a smaller crop farmer operating a family farm. We got a view behind the curtain of a Mennonite community that is working to preserve not only their traditions but protecting their seeds.

CMBB 111 | Reforestation Efforts Reforestation Efforts: GMO seeds pose both successes and challenges to farming. They help with mono-cropping seeds, but there is no genetic diversity that was commonplace in prior generations.

This whole concept of From Seed to Seed is ultimately ensuring that we've got a good library of different strains of seeds. It is helping us understand that the soil in a particular area in combination with the climate, water, and everything else that you're able to get from the environment will create generations of crops that are designed to thrive in that particular environment. That is if we let them and we don't necessarily tweak things like putting inborn pesticides in the seeds themselves as with corn in the work of the company formerly known as Monsanto, now Bayer.

It's important to deepen our understanding of how we have adapted agriculture to benefit the big food companies and not the small companies, and then ultimately of the power of a community that is strong like those in this Mennonite perspective to help one another and ultimately preserve not only heritage but plants in the process. It's an absolute pleasure to watch. You get to see how these people are handling the animals that they're working with on their farms as well. You can even get a touch of that responsible animal husbandry thrown in there as well.

I'm glad you liked it.

For a small donation of $10, you get to not only see a good film, but you get to plant 50 trees. I love that. The work you're doing is incredible. I did the math. I realized that's $0.20 a tree, but you have overhead for this effort.

I got to have overhead because I got to fly. It's at least 50. It depends on the volume. It's like any other business. If I can scale it up, I'll make it up in volume. The percentages always look better when the dollars are bigger.

That's right.

That's the situation. Let's call it at least 50 trees.

As people do sign up, they go to an event page. You are directed to an Eventbrite page. You can sign up and then you will get a link to watch the video during that two-day 60-hour window, correct?

That is correct. I'll send it out with the link and the password. We can ask people not to share it. There is also a link that will be there to the blog post on our webpage where people can leave comments. Hopefully, we're going to stimulate some running commentary. I'll have the filmmaker and hopefully, some cast members too.

It makes it sound like they hired talent. I understand what you're saying. They're featured. They tell their stories.

The people in the movie will be certainly invited to join us. Everybody can chit-chat. Since it's Eventbrite and it's all streamed by Vimeo and they've got incredible bandwidth, there's no limit to the number of people. I could have a million people watch this and chat about it all at once. Why not? Let's do that. That's $10 million. That's a whole lot of trees right there that gets planted. Registrations are growing. We got a group of people in South Africa and Australia who are going to be chiming in on this too. Why not? It's a global thing.

That's fantastic. I understand you also have a Facebook page. Is that one of the spots where people can go to engage?

I watched it a lot. It is because we're trying to go carbon negative here with the trees as best as possible. We have a number of posts on there. We have shout-outs to the newest and ongoing corporate partners. There are comments everywhere. I try to go in there and respond to responsible comments. If people want to engage with me on a constructive level, I'm happy and honored to do so. I'm glad that they took the time to do so. We try to respond to that. I and a couple of assistants monitor that very closely.

I understand you also have an Instagram page that's active, which is Is that correct?

Yes. That's it. More traffic is on Facebook, but Instagram is coming along well. There are so many different channels to reach people. There are seven hours in the day. Sometimes, we have to make these decisions.

What I wish for you and also the people at From Seed to Seed is so much success that you end up getting picked up by a big streaming platform like Netflix so that you get in front of more eyeballs. Ultimately, this type of education is so important. It's especially important for generations of people that may not understand the reality of farming. I refer to it as the fragility of farming. We don't necessarily understand when we're not closely connected to our foods, how closely tied we are to our environment, what's happening to the climate, the last rain cycle, and even what a small water cycle is or how planting affects the small water cycle. There is so much to know.

There is also the fact that trees themselves can create rain because their microbes tell the clouds that it is time to expel their water. These are the sorts of things that, as Westerners, we don't have a close tie to. I look at this film as a great way to educate yourself on the basics of what's involved with farming. If you're interested in becoming a backyard farmer yourself and turning a small plot of land that you have, perhaps even your front lawn, into a little garden for your home or community, you could start to get ideas about how to do that and how to engage in your community. It was such a great example of that.

I'm glad you liked it. I'm looking forward to everybody joining us. Hopefully, they'll enjoy it as much as you did.

I'm sure they will. What I'm hoping too is that you will introduce me to Katharina Stieffenhofer. Perhaps I can even interview her on this show about the film and the making of the film.

I'm sure she'd love to chat with you.

If there's a question that I haven't asked that perhaps you wish I had, what might it be? If you have one, you could ask and answer that.

We've been talking about farming. We've been talking about soil and its different benefits. The other thing that tree planting has done right is this societal benefit as well. For example, in the forest restoration program that we had in Kwezizi and most of these restoration projects, a lot of times, there is economic pressure that we're trying to alleviate as well. Wangari Maathai was the Ugandan woman who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, and rightfully so, for planting 50 million, 70 million or whatever it was trees in her lifetime. She is a great example for all of us and quite an inspiration. One of her best quotes was, “The biggest stress on the land is the stress of human desperation.”

People will cut down their last tree. They will do things that are not economically and environmentally sustainable knowingly, but they need to do it quickly because their kids are hungry now. It's short-term thinking or reactionary thinking that happens when you get too many people who are frankly desperate. We have one billion of them on this planet. Say what you want about large corporations and the terrible things that they're doing. I would submit that the collective damage that these one billion people are doing in terms of short-term activities is probably as harmful, if not more so because there are a billion of them.

You're speaking to exactly the reason that this show is called a social impact, sustainability, and regeneration show because of the fact that these two things are so closely connected. If you don't have a system that can support its people, then they might give their shirts off their backs for a friend. They're also looking at the forest in their backyard and saying, “If I took that down, I could sell the wood,” or “I could plant something that maybe these other guys want.”

You have things like the decimation of habitats of the Orangutans for palm kernel oil. This is what happens, and there is the case after case of something like this. It may have been in the past that we had those few brands that were cause-partnered and working to do sustainable cacao. We need to move away from those few to the mainstream so that the Hersheys of the world are only sourcing cacao that is responsibly farmed and that isn't raping the planet. The pressure's on, but we can't let up. A big part of our effort needs to be around helping all of these communities around the globe rise up. At the same time, understand that as they rise up, their carbon footprint increases.

CMBB 111 | Reforestation Efforts Reforestation Efforts: Communities around the world must learn responsible farming methods. This way, they will not be raping the planet and be mindful of their carbon footprint.

You get carbon sequestration for free.

We have to think about these two things in concert. In an earlier episode, we talked about this very issue as I interviewed Ben Jeffreys and featured his company, which is ultimately called ATEC Global. They are out of Australia. They're working specifically in the Far East to ensure that people in rising communities there are transitioning to clean cooking.

With clean cooking, they are not creating not only a health epidemic for the people locally because they're over a cook stove burning things that are not great to inhale. They are also using clean energy at the same time right down to their cook stoves. We need more solutions like this that are long-term that are going to help people rise up, but also without having a huge carbon cost, methane cost, or other environmental degradation costs.

I have a friend who grew up in Latin America. He said it was commonplace to take your trash down to the river and throw it in. We all know that that's not the way we should be living. Polluting our waterways directly impacts the health of the planet in a very negative way. The long-term result is that it negatively impacts your health because of the microplastics in our food and the environmental damage too.

CMBB 111 | Reforestation Efforts Reforestation Efforts: It is a commonplace in Latin America to throw trash in rivers. This doesn't only pollute the waterways but also negatively impacts people's health through microplastics.

Plus, it creates a yucky not-pretty sight. We all want to go to a beautiful forest. None of us wants to visit a littered beach. Thank you so much for visiting me and for sharing your important work with the world. I look forward to helping you get this word out. Specifically, we'll post a little bit more about this new film, From Seed to Seed. I keep wanting to say the need for seed for some reason.

That works.

We have a need for seed. We have a need to plant seedlings. We have a need to understand where our food comes from. There's so much need behind all of this. Thank you so much for joining me.

Thank you for having me. I appreciate it.


What an important conversation and incredible work. To connect with Hank Dearden and what he's doing with, I encourage you to visit their website, They are doing a live stream from November 4th to 6th, 2022 of From Seed to Seed. It will be 60 hours, available to you for only $10. Your effort could mean 50 trees planted just for watching that film. I should remind us all that it is at least 50 trees planted.

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If you have feedback or questions, you can always leave me a voicemail directly on my site or send me an email note to Thank you as always for being a part of this show and this community because together, we can do so much more. We can even reforest our beautiful planet. We can care more and we can be better. Thank you.

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