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Regeneration Part 6: People, Indigeneity and Our Role In Reversing Global Warming

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Are you driving to the park when you can just bike there? Every time you eat, do you use disposable cups and plates or wash your dishes by hand and reuse them? Are you eating meat every day? It's the little things that you think won't affect the planet, but in reality, they do. Corinna Bellizzi sits down with Dianne Dain in this timely conversation about sustainable climate action solutions. Dianne is the Chief Innovation and Initiatives Officer of the World Humanitarian Forum We could all do the world a bit of good if we start living a little bit greener. Learn how to avoid living in an economy of consumption and start living in nature. Also, discover how human principles and perspectives are genderless, and so much more.


About Dianne Dain

Dianne Dain is a thought leader, mover, and shaker in the world of social action and sustainability. She is a part of the WHO Innovation Team and the founding group of the United Nations Technology Innovations Lab (UNTIL). Dianne is also a Lead for the United Nations Reboot Accelerator and CIO at Quiet Mark. She dedicates her work to building social and technology innovation ecosystems that usher in a better and healthier world, as well as inspiring youth to stand up and take action against climate change. Show Notes: 0:00 - Introduction 1:25 - Dianne’s work in sustainability 4:27 - Creating a healthier, more equitable post-COVID world 5:57 - The world is a stakeholder 11:33 - Feminine perspectives towards Mother Nature and her resources 13:45 - Women in leadership 16:22 - Promising climate solutions 21:38 - Daily routines that reduce carbon footprint 23:58 - Adapting a green deal mindset 29:19 - Disrupting our habits 31:31 - The world in seven generations 33:04 - Technology as both a problem and solution 36:21 - Continue to care more and be better 38:19 - Conclusion Join the Care More. Be Better. Community! (Social Links Below) Website: YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: Twitter: Clubhouse: Support Care More. Be Better: A Social Impact + Sustainability Podcast Care More. Be Better. is not backed by any company. We answer only to our collective conscience. As a listener, reader, and subscriber you are part of this pod and this community and we are honored to have your support. If you can, please help finance the show ( Thank you, now and always, for your support as we get this thing started!


Sustainability, Gender, And How To Be Greener With Dianne Dain

Care, connection, love and innovating our way into helping nature regenerate and restore the damage we have caused

We have a real treat in store for you as we connect with a thought leader, a mover, and a shaker in the world of social action and sustainability. She has worked with the WHO and the UN to create real solutions.


I'm joined by a lovely human I met in a sustainability room on Clubhouse of all places, Dianne Dain. She is a passionate and thought-provoking individual who cares about building social and technology innovation ecosystems so that we can create a healthier world. She is a thought leader on the WHO Innovation Team and the founding team that created the United Nations Technology Innovations Lab, also known as UNTIL. She serves as a Lead for the United Nations Reboot Accelerator, helping thousands of global youths to create sustainable climate action solutions. She serves as Quiet Mark's Chief Innovation Officer. Dianne, it's a sincere gift to have you here with us. Thank you so much. It's my pleasure to be here. I appreciate the opportunity to speak to someone like yourself, who has such a broad outreach and perspective on this topic. Thank you for being here. As we commence our conversation, I would like to know more about you. What motivated you to pursue this aspirational work around sustainability? It comes from a personal level for me. On a personal level, I was abandoned as a baby and left with the patient army hospital. I went into the LA County Foster Care System, which is our largest system in the country. I was adopted into a family that cared and gave me an education. I had an amazing life because of people who cared enough about things that didn't necessarily impact their lives, but cared for people, planets, and subjects. That, to me, are the hardest to sustainability, which is, it's a people-focused initiative. Anything that we're creating, whether harm or good, is because we're doing it in force and multiples. That's where my initial passion came from. As I was raising my children, I've got a long history now. A little bit of a history of experience with youth and children and raising them. I began to put the pieces together on how important it is to deeply embed motivation for sustainability and compassion within our youth. That's where my passion for this subject came from. In an earlier episode with another individual I also happened to meet on Clubhouse, Godfrey Coker, who was an adopted refugee from Sierra Leone. He is also working with youth to create more impact. He is also connected to different technologies to do so. It's a very interesting, almost lateral story. I had no idea that you had been adopted and experienced some of those things too. It's incredible. It says so much about the power that a parent has to guide their child as they are growing. If you give them that sense that they can make a difference themselves too, leading by example, you never know where they'll go and end up. It's bound to be something you would be proud of. I'm betting they are of you too.
Nature is a blind spot in our economics of recovery.
Thank you. It is the most important job that I've ever been. I consider everything after that a bonus. To raise successful humans that are going to walk the Earth, care about others and want to make the Earth a better place is the most important thing we can do because it extends our lives. I always talk to youth about partnering with a mentor. Mentors take them seriously. You can extend your life in way of giving innovation and impact in the world with the younger generation. It is a combined effort. I understand you also serve as the Chief Innovation Officer and Advisory Board Member to the World Humanitarian Forum, and that you're working to create a healthier, more equitable post-COVID world. Can you talk about that project? We're the largest multilateral forum in the world that brings together stakeholders from the government, different agencies and private sector to talk about how we all work together. I'm on their advisory board. I focus on innovation. We believe in better building back forward in a more forward-progressive way. Now, we hold space for everyone to convene and discuss how we can do this. From my personal perspective, we're in the eye of a hurricane a little bit. We're trying to decide which way to go. I don't know about you, but I find a lot of people are trying to figure out, “Which way do we go? Which is going to have the most impact?” We all know that it's a massive emergency and call to action, but there's so much confusion out there. We all need to come together and start pushing in the same direction and decide what that direction is in consultation with the planet and the stakeholders and voices that have been marginalized. That's the space where we have the opportunity to do that and speak to the leadership in that forum. You mentioned the world essentially as a stakeholder in that conversation. I wonder how you work that in and build in the sense that the world is a stakeholder when you're talking to executives at a variety of different companies. That is an interesting point. I don't know if you've read the Dasgupta Report that the UK Government put out in conjunction leading up to COP26. No, I haven't. They pointed out that nature is a blind spot in our economics of recovery. It’s interesting. It’s absent from the accounting systems that govern and it’s ignored by economic decision-makers. It’s calling for a reconstruction of economics to include nature as a factor and rebalance the demands on nature as a resource with its capacity to supply them. In other words, we’re constantly extracting. We’re taking it for free because we can. That’s what we have traditionally done. It’s an unpaid resource that we can turn into a GDP, but there’s an economic sinkhole that we’re not compensating nature as a value. It’s a very interesting paradigm between, for instance, women and men, who are unpaid caregivers to our families and children. We give and give. The Earth is a feminine entity, and it does the same thing. It’s not compensated. It doesn’t factor into a GDP. Therefore, there’s a bit of a sinkhole there and we tend to take it for granted and neglect it, but it’s a massively important part of what makes our lives sustainable. The indigenous populations know this so well. They plan for seven generations ahead. There’s a story that UNFCCC related to me. I don’t remember which tribe it was, so I’m not sure which country it was, but it was the indigenous population of a country. I’m not going to quote it because I would get it wrong. Catching a fish was decreasing because of their traditional way of catching those fish. The government leaders came to them and said, “If you make the holes in your net smaller, you will be able to catch more fish and sustain yourselves.” They said, “If we do that, it will impact maybe seven generations down and they won’t be able to have as much if we over-consume.”
CMBB 39 | Sustainability Sustainability: People need to come together and start pushing in the same direction. We need to decide what that direction is in consultation with the planet.
The indigenous populations know, “Do not over-consume.” As a society now, we are over-consuming and throwing away. We have a paper cup society, disposable. As a society, we’ve disengaged from the fact that we are a part of nature, that everything we touch came from nature, that we are indigenous to the planet, to nature. We’ve forgotten those values and how to honor and give back before we take. This is something you and I spoke about briefly before too. We are thinking in some ways that the same problems that got us here will somehow help us escape the challenges that we’re presently seeing like, “Instead of using that plastic or paper cup, I’m not going to use it.” We also have this huge carbon sequestration problem where there’s already so much in the atmosphere that global warming will continue regardless. Unless we’re able to draw that down and ultimately change how we’re doing things from a business perspective and global community perspective by taking Earth into consideration and understanding that these are finite resources, not infinite. We can come from an idea of abundance but without looking at Earth like, “I can go ahead and blow this mountain up and take the copper out of it without worrying about what it’s going to do to the local environment.” Making considerable changes in how we approach Earth and these finite resources will only serve to help us. Getting out of a space where we replace our cell phones every year and a half will help too. The companies that shut your phone down every time they update and you haven't bought a new phone. We're forced into this economy of consumption. It's a challenge to step out of that and realize that we're surrounded by an abundance of this most beautiful and precious resource of love, nature, care and compassion. It's there. It's the feminine principles of what make us human and connected as a species and race. We can do phenomenal and amazing miraculous things in a short space of time, but it will take all of us to realize this, pulling together and holding hands together. Enough of the divisions. I'm tired of it and it's not getting us any further. It's important to also draw a distinction for people because the lay public that hear feminine and masculine have ideas of what these things mean. One gets to be defined as girly and the other gets defined as brutish. That's not what we're talking about here. This is beyond the gender perspective. It's something deeper. Let's talk about the feminine principles or the feminine perspective as it relates to Mother Earth and resource use. It's a Psychology principle that they've studied forever. It's the male principles, they call it, or the male attributes of conquer, extract and compete. The feminine principles or characteristics are not in men or women. They are genderless, which is a beautiful thing. They're compassion and connection. The masculine principles are doing. They're action-oriented. The feminine principles are being, being quiet and caring. It's powerful but we've not prioritized them. It's completely what I love about the gender fluidity that we now have. It's not square-defined like, “That's masculine.” The feminine has made it. The feminine principles are fluid and that's what we've seen the youth demand. They've come forward and helped us redefine what gender is or what is not. Maybe it's not even definable at all, but it doesn't matter. The point is that we've extended the boundaries. We've made things more fluid and flowing. To encompass and bring everyone to the table, we all become a community. That is the feminine principles of compassion, care, lifting and loving. It was all centered on love, being in the presence of love. It's not a gender. It's a way of being. It’s important to be clear that we’re not talking about feminism here. We’re talking about something that is more fundamental to every person. My husband will often say to me, “It’s not a competition.” I tend to go towards some of those more male ideals sometimes. I'm goal-driven. I want to climb that mountain and conquer whatever it is I’m trying to accomplish. That doesn’t make me a man. It’s just one of the masculine tendencies within humanity. We’re talking about the more feminine side of that, thinking about resources differently and ultimately building a different future. It will take women in leadership to help champion this. Let’s talk about that. Where do you see it going? It is a challenge because women, when they get into leadership, are very aligned with their masculinity because they have to be to get there often. This is a sweeping generalization. We often had to set aside our intuition and softer side because we had to operate in this masculine world that we had designed, not generally. The feminine has not designed it, but the forces that be through the generations have designed has been a man's world. All the city planning has been designed for men. All the psychological tests that were done on lab animals were on male animals. It goes back as far as that. I do believe that there's a strong power in women and men. We see this more when they align with the feminine of being. Taking a moment and a deep breath, focusing on who is in the room and who is missing in the room, what voices we're not including and how we bring in everyone to the table. Everyone's voices are heard, listened to and incorporated into the solutions that we're building. Many of the people that are suffering through climate change are women, indigenous populations, children and youth. They're the ones that are going to know the solutions because they're suffering the problems. Quite often, they're brilliant. They have amazing socially contextual solutions that we would have never thought of unless we had suffered and gone through those similar problems and yet we don't tend to invest in them. We don't invest enough in indigenous populations in the solutions that we can build.
We live in a throwaway, disposable society. We’ve forgotten how to honor and give back before we take.
We have all the technology in the world to now go to Mars and yet we can't invest in saving our planet through investing in indigenous populations or women's solutions. Some of these things are things we've known ever since Muhammad Yunus incorporated microfinance with women, invested in them, pioneered that and won the Nobel Peace Prize for that. Women not only educate themselves, run businesses, pay back loans but they educate their children, lift their communities and pay it back. This is not new information to us. We can invest in women. It's a multiplier effect. I'm curious to know your perspective on what it will take to turn around the climate machine and maybe the business machine as it relates to the climate. I'm sure you've put a lot of thought into this. Several initiatives are presently underway. There are a million different ideas out there on how we can solve climate problems. If we're all running in different directions, are we going to be able to solve that? What do you think the most promising solutions are? It’s going to take small groups where we again have connected to each other and deeply feel that we are connected to something that’s beyond ourselves. Quite often, we don’t have this deep connection or don’t come from a feeling place. We come from a thinking place. Once we realize we have a connection with people and become these communities, whether online or a group that you belong to that you’re passionate about, we join hands with other communities. We push in the same direction because it’s going to take such a massive effort to move the needle. When it comes to behavioral change, that’s what I would say, “Priority number one, we don’t need another nonprofit and NGO. What we do need is to push in the same direction.” When those directions are defined as the best solution, we can figure this out. When those are defined, then join hands and let’s push in the same direction. That, to me, is the best solution of all. I see way too many silos and echo chambers. There’s a new solution popping up every day, as you pointed out. Who do you listen to? We have a plethora of misinformation infodemic that went hand-in-hand with the pandemic, which increased our divisions. It’s a real challenge now, but I have hope in humanity. We have technology that can get us to the moon, but it can also save ourselves and the planet. We need to design our way out of this differently than we designed our way into it. That pairs nicely with an episode that my audience has likely read in which I interviewed David Johnson. We talked about his plan for, ultimately, working to build a green print where small groups of people can connect, collaborate and push for change with regard to climate. I encourage people to go back and read that episode. One of the things I've been looking at is this concept that soil can support the sequestration of CO2 from the atmosphere and possibly even be like a driving force, regenerating our climate and environment, reducing temperatures and getting back to more of the place we were. It's possibly even like the '60s or '70s before a lot of this damage was done. What are your thoughts on that approach ultimately changing how we farm and use our soils? I'm not an expert in this field, but I agree with the science that says that we can do that. I want to caution people to not disconnect from personal responsibility because we do have great solutions out there, but it's also a very personal responsibility to be taking this seriously and be changing your behavior because so much of this is behavior change as well. I love the idea that we have the science that can analyze this that we can draw down carbon and sequester it. It's amazing. It's one of many solutions that are going to come to us in the future because that's the direction we're headed. Our science is such that we can get there. They can work in tandem. You can use less plastic cups, plant a tree, drive less and put solar. We are at the greatest moment for humanity in the history of the world. There's nothing we can't do, honestly. We have to take all of our amazing progress and understand that we are connected to a planet, to Mother Earth. As much as you love your mother or whoever raised you, or if you are a parent, as much as you love that child, that's how much we need to love our planet. If we all did, we wouldn't have a climate change issue. We could change this quickly with new technologies, but we've lost 70% of our animals, birds, and different species since 1970. The people that steward 80% of our biodiversity are the indigenous populations. Unless we have a powerful shift towards changing our thought processes, we are going to continue down this road of destruction. It doesn't have to feel gigantic. I'm curious if you could share a few of the things that you do in your daily life to ensure that you live a little greener and leave less of a carbon footprint. I try to eat very little meat or as much a vegetarian lifestyle as I can. I'm not going to say that I'm perfect at that, but I don't think you need to let the perfect be the enemy of good, as that old saying goes. If we did 50% better, we would all be so much further ahead. Whether it's eating less meat, our diets have a huge impact on climate change and global warming.
CMBB 39 | Sustainability Sustainability: We've been in bad places before and we know what the answers are. It's caring for each other.
Also, on our personal health. Let's not forget that one. Take public transit or a bike. I don't know where your show goes exactly, but Americans aren't traditionally very much known for prioritizing biking over taking our vehicles everywhere. If possible, find another mode of transportation. It's simple things. It's not complicated things. Wash your dishes. Wash them by hand instead of buying paper cups and plates. In our case, we bought this new Fingal dishwasher that only uses something like two gallons of water to wash an entire load. It's an energy saver. At the same time, it doesn't use a ton of energy, so we're protecting our water use. That's important here in California because water tables aren't where they once were, and we aren't getting as much rain. Without as much rain, you don't have enough to draw from. You end up borrowing from other rivers like the Colorado River or something like that. We have to be mindful of that. Therefore, I also have rain barrels. My husband was repairing them in preparation for storms, which will hopefully come, to make sure that we can capture that and then water our fruit trees with that or even putting a bucket in the shower or turning off the water in the shower when we're soaping up. There are many little changes we can make to live a little bit cleaner and healthier. I also make the effort of when I do errands, plotting it out and making sure I go in a loop and hit everything at once as opposed to six different trips during the week. Little changes like that can make a big difference with time. My car certainly has less miles on it as a result too. We all could simplify for our own internal well-being and green deal. It's an inner green deal. We need to treat ourselves better and focus on quieting our minds. Trying to simplify is not a bad thing. It goes hand-in-hand with helping the planet because we need to reconnect to the planet and understand that we're a product, child and creature like every other creature on this planet. That's what's so important. I've gone as far as with my pets. I rehomed somebody else's pets into my home. I never thought I would say this, but I breed roaches because I feed them to my dragon. I have a bearded dragon. That means that I'm not paying for shipping for insects to come from elsewhere. I'm not receiving them in a box. They aren't arriving dead because it got too hot or cold. I'm taking care of it within the walls of my home. I feed them scraps from my kitchen, like the ends of carrots. It's a self-sustaining ecosystem. This little box that I keep them in has taught me about is also ecosystems with insects because then I have two other species of insects in there that help keep it clean. It's like this ongoing experiment that I'm running with my child and keeping him in the know of what it takes to keep healthy critters of any number of sorts. That permaculture, you’ve got a little biodiversity. At one time, I did vermicomposting and I tired of that. It was a lot more work than I wanted it to be. I now compost using a traditional composter outdoors, but the bottom of it touches the soil. That means that I get the benefits of vermicomposting because insects come in and help to eat all the plant matter and create rich soil. In my gardening efforts at home, we're using that because it's all organic produce anyway. It means that I've got rich soil. There is black gold in there, among other things, I'm sure. Lara fruit trees are producing nice fruits, which mostly the squirrels eat, if I'm being perfectly honest. I would grow strawberries and different herbs. We're trying to live a little bit of a self-sustaining lifestyle in that way too. That’s smart because we’ve become so disconnected. I realized one day. I was in New York City and I was drinking a cup of coffee. I had a moment. I was waiting for something to begin. I looked at the cup and thought, “What did it take for this cup to get into my hands with this coffee in it?” I visualized the farmer growing it and the transportation that was needed. If you think about it, we’re so disconnected by the time food or anything gets to us that we wouldn’t know how to do it ourselves. You’re smart. We all could simplify and learn more about how to produce food on our own or how to be more self-sustaining. Some of our youths have been graded, re-emphasizing that. There’s a trend in that direction. It’s almost like it missed our generation somehow. They’re channeling their grandparents or great-grandparents, and it’s a beautiful thing. I live in Santa Cruz County. A lot of people have backyard chickens. In fact, I went to have a girlfriend cut my hair at her salon. She showed up as a gift to me with a dozen eggs from her backyard. To me, that was a lovely gift.
Trying to simplify is not a bad thing. It goes hand in hand with helping the planet.
I was the president of an organization that was founded by Eleanor Roosevelt. It was designed to honor women, mothers in particular, created during the Depression because, during the Depression, everything shut down. There was no money for social services and jobs. Women in these communities all across America literally held their families together and whole communities. They became the social services and social network. We've been in bad places before and we know what the answers are. It's caring for each other. I was talking about this in an earlier episode too with Stephanie Seferian. She has a podcast called ‎Sustainable Minimalists and wrote a book on the same topic. She was talking about the fact that you can borrow stuff from your neighbors. Does everybody on your street need to have a dehydrator to keep food for longer? No, but you could borrow it from your neighbor. Does everyone need to have your pressure cooker? Probably not. Even borrowing goods, returning them, using them, and then looking at how you purchase certain items. Does it need to be new? Can you go on a shared collective or a Facebook group in your neighborhood and get some new toys for your kids? It is something I do, especially if it's plastic. I try not to buy plastic and give something a second life that otherwise might end up in the trash. Living that way, a little bit more community-based, is something that will be healthier for everybody all around the globe as we continue to grow our populace and technologies. Disruption has become such a buzzword, but we're disrupting our own habits where we do our own buying habits. That's the key. We can have a sharing economy. Everyone is looking for the higher-paying jobs if they bump up their lifestyle, but we can also go the opposite direction and decrease expenses. We don’t have to have a higher lifestyle. You also can do more sharing and decrease the spending that we're doing. Save the planet at the same time. How often do you need to go shopping for clothes and buying something on Amazon? During the lockdown, I don't think I bought anything for so long. I'm sure most people didn't. They didn't buy clothes or shoes. All of a sudden, nothing was important besides your own health and making sure your family was okay, your friends and neighbors. Now, we're out of lockdown and we're going back into the same habits, which is interesting. A lot of us learned quite a huge lesson during the lockdown, good and bad and everything in between. We seem to be reverting back to the busy lifestyles that we had. Hopefully, we'll continue some of our good lessons. We'll keep some of the gems. I certainly am not buying as much clothes, but the running shoes, I've kept those up. I'm going through as many of those. They only last so long and then I have to get a new pair. I also take them to a local shop, Running Revolution, in Santa Cruz. They take all of the shoes and use them to build high school tracks and college tracks. Those are rubberized tracks around the United States. I can donate my shoes there. They collect them and send them to another company that does that, which is a great second use for sneakers. It's impressive that you've been going through so many sneakers. I wish I could say the same. It's my exercise because the gym will close and everything else too. I go out for a run, spend some time in nature and enjoy life that way. I would love to ask you a final question. Is there something that I haven't asked that you wish I had? I would love to know what you think. I touched on that indigenous populations are focused on seven generations in advance. What do you think our world would be like in seven generations? If anything, is there any one action you would take for those? That seven generations down, I wish it would be asked this question. This is the one question that I would want to be asked. What impact or ancestor do you want to be? If we're thinking about seven generations out, I don't even know how many that is. How many years? I don’t know how many years that is. That's between 140 and 175, something like that. That's the one question I would love to think about it. I'm not saying I want to be asked it right this second, but I would like to ask everyone in the audience what kind of an ancestor do you want to be? One thing for sure, they're going to be looking back at this moment in time during the pandemic, recovery from the pandemic, climate change as a perfect storm. What did my ancestors do? How did they survive it? What could they have done differently and better? The thing I think about often is how technology can be an incredible solution and also a problem. I'll take, for instance, electric cars. We built them to run for up to about ten years and the batteries need to be replaced. They use a lot of minerals and resources in those batteries. You wonder, “Is that the right way to build an electric car? Have we thought about enough of what the repercussions down the road could be by developing this new technology?” Sometimes, that's the piece that's missing that I wish we would do a little differently. Think through the repercussions of the actions we're taking to solve problems in the now and then address how we think about them from a solution's perspective with that in mind. Often, when we see new technology and the capability in front of us, we're amazed by it and we become a little bit blind to what the repercussions of that technology might be. For instance, drilling into the permafrost of Greenland to get the minerals needed for the electric cars' batteries. It's a little scary. What is the ramification of that and everything in between? These solutions that we're going to be deciding this 2021 because we're so urgently needing change. I'm with you.
CMBB 39 | Sustainability Sustainability: We don’t have to have a higher lifestyle. We can do more sharing and decrease the spending that we're doing and save the planet at the same time.
One of the things I'm going to be looking at more closely is soil health in the future episodes. I remember in my undergrad, Joseph Campbell wrote us a smattering of books, all about the connections of technology over time and how humans have adapted and grown over the years. He wrote at length about the invention of the plow and how it changed everything for humanity. It did. It enabled us to change our environment in such a way that we could now have staple foods year-round. We could plan for bigger communities. We could come together instead of living in smaller tribes in a larger environment because we now had enough food to sustain a larger group. This whole advent of agriculture as a new technology did change things, but what did it also do? Over-farming an area can create problems for the environment. As I'm now learning, tilling that soil over and over releases more carbon into the atmosphere and essentially turns that rich soil into dirt. If we are going to build solutions that will support our global populace for generations to come, then we need to change our thinking as we produce new technologies like, “What are the repercussions going to be? Am I keeping nature in mind? Will nature help me solve this problem in a different way so that I'm not creating a new problem for her?” You're so spot-on. That's where my head has been. It's a rabbit hole I'm digging into next. I look forward to talking to more experts so we can discuss that deeper. Is there a thought that you would like to leave our audience with? Don't disconnect, continue to care more and be better, like the title of your show, which is perfect. Don't get discouraged and depressed. Don't put your head in the sand and say, “It's not worth it,” because it is. This is something that's possible. I have a tremendous amount of hope. I led the Reboot Accelerator at the UN and saw amazing solutions out of youth that will boggle your mind. They will change the world quickly. We can do this. Thank you, Dianne, for all you do. If our audience want to get in touch with you directly, how should they do it? Where do they go? They need to get more of Dianne. They want to hear more about the things that you're doing and these incredible projects with the UN, WHO and more. You can find me at or email me at You can reach me anywhere. I'm happy to connect. If there's something that I can help with generally and if I'm able to, I will help. I love that, Dianne. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for the opportunity. It was a great chance to speak with someone. You're doing more than just talking the talk. You're doing something about it, which is great. Hats off to you. I look forward to following your progress on this show. Thank you so much. It’s all in an effort to inspire more people. That's what we're doing together. Have a good week, everyone, wherever you're at. To my audience, I would like to invite you to act. It doesn't have to be huge. It could be as simple as sharing this show with people in your community. To find suggestions, you can always visit There, we have an action page with companies and causes we encourage you to support. Thank you for being a part of this show and this community. It is an important group of people. Hopefully, together, we can push for more change. You can follow us on social spaces, @CareMoreBeBetter, or send me an email to I want to hear from you. Thank you, now and always, for being a part of this community because together, we can do so much more.

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